


I looked down at the binder that I was holding in my arms. The Montgomery's had added 4 extra tables of 6 to their anniversary party overnight. Luckily I was equipped to deal with this kind of situation at last minute. 

Mrs Montgomery's turned to me and smiled."Is that okay, Darling?"

"Of course."I smiled back."I penciled it in for 4 extra table. We just need a decision on napkin colours, other than that we're pretty much set for your special day."

Mr Montgomery chuckled."I'll leave this one to you, Dear."

"I assumed you would."She looked at him adoringly. I found it cute that after 50 years together they were this much in love. It makes me think of my own Mom and Dad. 

"Perfect, I'll go us a couple of sample colours."I left the Montgomery's to chat while I grabbed my napkins from the office. Five minutes later I was back but there was one other person with them.

From behind the man looked smart in his fitted blue suit, his short hair was perfectly neat and there was something quite pleasing about the way he stood. 

"Oh, Here she comes."Mrs Montgomery whispered, only not low enough that I couldn't hear."Jamie, I would like you to meet my son Jack."

He turned around and smiled at me as I made my way towards them. Mrs Montgomery has been talking about their family since day one of planning, however this single Jack always seems to come up in conversation a lot more than anyone else. 

"The famous Jamie, My mother has told me so much about you."He held out his hand to shake mine."It's nice to finally meet you."

Being the klutz that I am, I fumbled with the napkins on the way to shaking his hand and I dropped them all on the floor. 

"Let me help you with those."He bent down the same time as I did and started to pick up the napkins. I noticed his eyes on me and the closed mouth smile he had as we got back to a standing position. He handed me the napkins. 

"Thank you.."I smiled lightly, but I was totally embarrassed."Um, It's nice to meet you too."I looked at Mrs Montgomery."I have napkins, shall we get started."

Twenty minutes of looking at napkins later and I was antsy to get home. I hated being without Penelope and I didn't like that I was coming home late. I have dinner with the gang tonight too so I wanted enough time with her beforehand. 

I was walking the Montgomery's and their son through reception."So that's about everything, but call me if you have any concerns."

"Of course, Darling. I appreciate you entertaining us, I know we dropped by on short notice."

I don't think dropping by on short notice had anything to do with the napkins, but more like her son. Mrs Montgomery was trying to play Matchmaker, it was obvious since our 30 minutes was all talk about how great Jack was.. 

Or should I say Dr Jack.

"It was no problem. I was happy to help."I smiled at them both."See you soon."I watched the Montgomery's walk down the steps of the hotel, her arm linked with his as they chatted. 

"So, Jamie.. You're going to be at the anniversary party right?"Jack had a grin of his face, as he waited for my reply. I have a feeling he isn't asking if I'm going to be there in a professional manner. 

"Um, Yes. It's my job to be there to make sure everything runs smoothly." 

"Good to hear. I'll keep an eye out for you."He winked at me, before walking away. Jack was confident in himself, but not overly confident that it was a turn off. 

However, I wasn't interested! Going by what I know he seems like a good guy, but it didn't matter. I wasn't ready to date just yet. Penelope isn't even a year old. 

I was sitting at a table in a restaurant with the gang and their plus ones. Well Carmen's hadn't showed up yet, not that I minded. I was just happy to have a catch up with them. 

"Not very punctual your soon to be husband, Is he!"Ethan chuckled. 

"I know..I know. I'm sorry. I'm marrying him for his looks of course, the other stuff I just have to live with."Carmen joked."He's stuck at work, I'm sure he won't be much longer."

"I'm just glad they gave us bread while we wait, that's all I'm saying."Ethan's girlfriend Stephanie, grabbed her third slice of seeded brown bread from the bread bowl.

I glanced at Carmen and knew that she was feeling anxious that her soon to be husband was late again, and the others were starting to get impatient. While personally I wasn't keen on the man, Carmen was my friend and I didn't like seeing her upset. 

"Well he wouldn't have us sitting here waiting unless it was something really important, I'm sure he's on his way."I looked at Carmen and smiled."How about another drink while we wait?"

"That would be great."She smiled, and I knew that she was grateful that I had her back. After all, she's always had mine. 

I ordered a round of drinks for our table and we sat chatting amongst the four of us while we waited. Usually being a table of five, I was the only single. The spare tire as some people would say! No one wants to be the spare tire! 

Sometimes it's a little depressing.. Only sometimes. When it is I simply remind myself of the last guy I let into my life, and that I'm safer than the rest of them because I can't get hurt if I'm alone!! 

"So.., Jamie.. What's the deal with you and Mason now that he's back?"Steph asked, and both Ethan and Carmen gave her a look. 

The question wasn't something that bothered me, we're all friends after all. However Mason Knight hadn't been much of a topic of conversation since he's been back, I still had mixed feelings about him showing his face . 

"There's no deal. He's back, he's going to get on with his life and I'm going to get on with mine."I picked up my water glass and took a drink. 

"Is he going to try to win you back.. I mean what about Penelope? Surely he wants to be apart of her life.."

I shrugged my shoulders lightly."He came back here expecting to use me just like he did before. I guess he got more than he bargained for."

"Mason Knight can go fuck himself as far as I'm concerned."Carmen chuckled. 

"I'm sure Mason Knight wouldn't be happy about you saying that."His voice said, and we glanced up from our table. 

"Babe, You're here. I wasn't sure if you were going to make it."Carmen stood from her chair and wrapped her arms around her future husband. 

"I told you I would."He pressed a kiss to her lips, while pulling her close. That was the point that all of us at the table looked away. We were used to seeing their display, maybe a little too much.

"Nice to see you all, I'm glad you waited on me before starting."He sat down at the table, in the chair between Carmen and I."Jamie.."

I turned my head and looked at him, hating the face that's been invited to all the Friday night drinks at Lacey's and all the family events."Hi, Brent.."

Comments (6)
goodnovel comment avatar
Wow. Plis reading polish
goodnovel comment avatar
Nicoleta Bildea
Love the story...️
goodnovel comment avatar
Kerry McKinnon
Love the story so far

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