
Chapter 11 What Is My Dignity Worth?

“C-Call…” Jenna stated a series of numbers, nails pressed into the woman’s neck.

The woman’s legs became weak, and she immediately looked to Yvonne for help.

“D-don’t do anything rash, Jenna…” Yvonne had not expected Jenna to do that and was shocked. “You don’t even have a family anymore. Who could you ask for help?”

She had been friends with Jenna for a few years now and knew every single one of Jenna’s friends. Those with good families had all been bought over by her.

She definitely would not be able to find someone who would help her.

“I told you… to make the call!” Jenna said through gritted teeth. Her nails had already pierced the skin of the woman’s neck. The woman was so scared that her legs were shaking, and her mouth was agape.

Yvonne’s expression darkened. Afraid the woman would accidentally say her name, she clenched her teeth and called the number Jenna had reported.

Very soon, the call got through. “Hello?”

Jenna’s eyes welled up with tears when she heard the familiar voice. She swallowed her saliva tinged with blood, saying strenuously, “It’s… Jenna…Radcliff. Come…to the Gen…City Police…Station.”

As long as she was able to go to the hospital and see her grandmother, even if that man wanted her life for it, she would willingly give it.

What was her dignity in comparison to the only family she had left?

Very quickly, the police officers who had heard the commotion also rushed over.

However, seeing Jenna holding a woman by the neck and that she seemed ready to die, the police officers did not dare go in rashly.

As time passed, Yvonne did not see anyone arrive.

Feeling as if Jenna was lying, she was about to persuade the police officers to go in and subdue Jenna when a man who looked around thirty hurried over to the detention cell.

When Jenna saw the man, hope flickered in her eyes as she pleaded, “Bail me out… please. I need to get to the hospital…”

The man nodded solemnly and quickly turned to leave.

Not even a minute later, not only had the man returned, but he even had the station chief by his side!

As the man helped Jenna out, the station chief even asked politely, “Mr. Sander, do you need me to arrange someone to send you to the hospital?”

“There’s no need.”

Yvonne watched the man carry Jenna out and was shocked silly. To the chief, she said, “Chief, Jenna Radcliff is suspected of murder. How could you just let her go?”

“Without concrete evidence, we can’t keep her here.” The chief said impatiently, “If there’s nothing else, hurry up and leave!”

Yvonne was beside herself with anger. However, she had no choice but to leave.

She knew Shawn had close ties to the Hevedburgh Deputy Station Chief, which was why she could easily arrange for people to enter and torment Jenna Radcliff.

She did not expect Jenna to find a backer and even get them to come to the police station to bail her out!

After following Sam to the hospital, Jenna ran, stumbling into her grandmother’s hospital room and bumping into the nurse who had been taking care of Irene.

The nurse’s expression was sympathetic. “My condolences, Miss Radcliff.”

Behind the nurse, a white cloth covered the person on the hospital bed from head to toe.

In an instant, she was frozen to the spot. It was as if she was suffocating.

“G-Grandmother?” She moved her legs forward stiffly to the hospital bed. She raised a shaking hand. “I’m sorry… it took so long for me to come… It’s Jen.”

She struggled to get the words out of her throat and called out to her grandmother, but no one answered.

Jenna moved the white cloth aside and wailed when she saw her grandmother’s cold, bloodless face. Her legs weakened, and she fell to her knees, bursting into tears.


It was only because of Grandmother that she could bear to go on. Now, her only remaining family had also gone.

She was so full of hatred.

If only she had given up her so-called dignity that day and followed Sam to that villa, she would not have been sent to the detention center by Shawn’s design, and her grandmother would not have died.

Jenna hugged her grandmother’s body day to night, crying until she ran out of tears.

The day her grandmother was buried, Hevedburgh’s sky was dark and gloomy, and it was drizzling.

She watched the workers cover her grandmother’s urn in a trance.

Even once everyone had left, she stood before her grandmother’s grave, the rain soaking her to the bone.

From today onward, she no longer had any family.

After her grandmother’s funeral, Jenna followed Sam back to Sparrow Garden, where she locked herself in her room. For three days, she did not touch the food left before her door.

Sam, afraid that something might happen if this continued, called Quinn Forester.

That night, Quinn arrived at the villa.

He used the spare key to open the door and found that all the areas where light came into the room had been covered, and it was pitch black inside. Occasionally, he could hear a woman’s voice crying in her sleep.

“Mom, I’m really scared… Please take me away…!”

Quinn felt for the lights. After turning it on, he found the woman curled on the bed.

In just a few short days, she had lost so much weight that she seemed to have lost most of her flesh. Her slim fingers clenched tightly in the bedsheets, and her hands were so thin that he could see the veins on the back of her hands. Her pale, desperate face was covered in tears.

If this woman continued without eating, she may not even wake up the next day!

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