
56- Persephone

No matter how many times Persephone scanned the throne room that was only lit up with a bulb hanging over her head, ignoring the voices of the men seated in a semi circle some feet away from her, she could not see Leonidas.

At first she feared that the war in Renatus had begun and she had lost him but Gerasimus Eliades was seated there with Kostas behind him and they were the only head Ares Familias that would have been of any importance.

Among him were Michalis Laskaris, his first child and son, Orion Laskaris behind him. Dimitris Aetos and Charilaus Diamandis.

Leonidas was no where.

"Exile?" Michalis Laskaris was a man with a calculating gaze and beard he kept stroking, "She mutilated my daughter's hand."

"She is a High Family," Dimitris' voice was low but loud enough in the near empty space and he had regained his confidence. "We all know we can sweep this under the carpet and pretend it did not happen but Charilaus believes she needs to be punished."

"And she has to be," Charilaus
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