
Chapter 3


The next day when I walked into the dining hall for breakfast Quinn was sitting with some of the warriors that he had been training with lately. He usually works with me and April after breakfast on Sundays to help us learn how to defend ourselves against larger males. I get my plate and make my way over the table that April is sitting at. “Morning, you ready to get your ass kicked again today?” I ask her as I set my plate down.

“As ready as I am any other time, but Reed, Lucas and Levi will be our trainers today and from now on. With the help of your Dad.” April says popping a piece of fruit into her mouth.

I looked up from my plate very confused by her statement. Quinn had been the one who had wanted us to do this training. Why didn’t he want to train us anymore? I looked across the hall to where Quinn was sitting and linked him. “Why are you not training us anymore?”

He quickly glances at me and then turns away. “I just can’t. You need someone else to train you.”

It almost sounded like he was upset that he was going to stop working with us. I have to admit I was a little sad about it too.

“Does this have to do with what happened yesterday when I tackled you?”

“NOTHING happened. Now leave me alone.” He yelled at me.

 I flinch and pull my gaze away from Quinn to stare at my plate. Taking a couple of deep breaths to hold back the tears that are stinging my eyes, I push my plate away. I’ve kind of lost my appetite. I look up at April. “I’m not feeling so good anymore. I think I’m going to skip training today. I’ll talk to you later.” I pick up my plate, place it in the dish rack and head back to my room. Is he getting upset because he never seems to win at our tracking games? But Quinn has never been a sore loser before. He always made me feel as if he was proud of me. Maybe it’s because I got aroused having him on top of me and now he wants nothing to do with me. Why would he want anything to do with me, we are just friends. Maybe he found it disgusting and didn’t want to take a chance of having to smell it again during our training. Maybe he thinks I'm disgusting? Fighting harder to keep back the tears that are threatening to fall, I make my way back towards my room as I step into the breezeway I hear the shrill of the beast. “Oh is the little princess skipping training today? Given up on using training as an excuse to put your hands all over my guy?”

I turn to see Avery and her younger sisters walking towards me. Letting out a frustrated sigh I ask. “What are you talking about?” I don’t need to deal with the crap these three always seem to want to stir up. “How...” I’m cut off by my brother and the twins coming out of the residence building. Thank the Goddess.

“Hey, Sis ready to have me kick your ass?” Levi asks throwing his arm over my shoulders. “What’s the matter?” He quickly asks noticing I’m not myself. He may be my younger brother but he is very protective of me.

I shrug answering. “Just not feeling well.” Then I whisper to him. “Female things. I think I’m going to skip training today.” Figuring that will be enough so he won’t ask any more questions.

“Oh, Okay. You go rest I’ll talk to you later.” He gives me a quick kiss on the forehead and whispers back to me. “I want you to tell me the truth later.” Levi turns me towards the door he just came out of and gives me a small nudge. He knows Avery and her gang won’t leave me alone if he walks away right now, so he is giving me time to get inside where she can’t follow before he and the twins leave. I know I will always be able to depend on him if no one else.

Quinn POV

I could hear the hurt in Meg’s voice when she linked me asking why I wasn’t going to be training her and April anymore. What was I supposed to do? How was I going to train her if every time I get her under me I pop a boner? She is just a friend, but my traitorous teenage, hormonal body doesn’t think that way. Hell, it’s not thinking at all, well not with any common sense anyway. I know this is supposed to be a normal stage of puberty, but it sucks. I don’t think that I would even be as embarrassed if it had happened with one of the other females that I sometimes spar with, but not Meg. She is just a friend, and will keep repeating that until my dick understands it. It sure wasn’t getting the message last night. I spent most of the night trying to get my body to forget the feel of her, the scent of her. I took cold showers and I whacked off more times than I ever thought possible, but I just couldn’t get her out of my system. Shit not again. I look down at myself under the edge of the table. I just hope I get rid of it before I need to leave and before the warriors on either side of me see my problem. At least I hope they’re not looking at my crotch. I was so caught up in trying to control my body that I snapped at Meg when she asked if I stopped the training because of yesterday. “NOTHING happened. Now leave me alone.” How could I tell her that yes it was because of what happened yesterday? That it was because she felt and smelt so damn good. That she is the reason why, but not at the same time? That it is just my body acting like a hormonal dick. Literally. I could most likely ask anyone of these guys to help me with the training but the thought of one of them pinning Meg under them brings up a whole another set of feelings that I don’t want to deal with right now. That is why I asked Reed, Lucas and Levi to take over for me. They are the ones that have been helping me all along anyway. I watch out of the corner of my eye as Meg leaves the room. I feel like shit because I know that I’m the cause of the hurt and sadness that was written all over her face. Even though she is hiding it well I can see the tears that are forming. But it is better this way, right? I can’t act as her trainer when I have other thoughts running through my mind every time I pin her under me. After my dick proved yesterday that it’s got other ideas and is trying to convince my mind to play along, I can’t take that chance.

I see Levi and the twins walk into the dining hall, grab some food and come over to join me taking up some of the spaces that the warriors had just vacated. "What happened with my sister?" Levi asks before his ass has even landed on the seat.

"What are you talking about?" I cautiously ask.

"I'm talking about the fact that she just backed out of training for the day and headed for her room with tears in her eyes. I know it wasn't Avery that cause it, because Meg would have just kicked her ass. The fact that you are also pulling out of training the girls makes me know that it is something between you and Meg."

Staring at my empty plate I debate telling them what happened but I look back up at Levi I chicken out. "Just drop it for now, please. I'll I'm going to say, is that I'm not mad or upset with her. I just need time to think."

Levi stares at me for a bit. I can see in his eyes that he is trying to figure it out, but as he starts to speak he is cut off by the most annoying voice in existence. Well, there goes the rest of my hard-on. I feel two hands slide over my shoulder and down my chest making it feel like I have ants crawling on me. "So I heard that you are short one for your private little training group today. Feel like pinning me to the ground and to see if I can get you off." Avery whispers in my ear. I know what she is implying but there is no way that I could ever do anything with her. I would have to be so depressed and feel as if there was nothing left for me to even think about doing anything with her.

I stand and move away from Avery. "You'll have to talk to them..." I say tilting my head towards the other guys. "... they're running it from now on."

H. R. Woolner

I hope you will continue to read and enjoy this story following this pair and some of their friends from childhood friendships to more with a 'few' bumps along the way.

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