
Chapter ThirtyNine

Chapter ThirtyNine

Micheal’s Point of View

I couldn’t get back to sleep, so I went downstairs. I just found myself, passing around, I just.. Couldn't believe it. What are the chances?! What are the FUCKING chances?! This was insane!

I heard a door close somewhere and waited to see who would appear, eventually, Luke came walking into view and I instantly relaxed. He stopped when he saw me, completely losing my mind.

‘What’s going on?’ He asked, clearly confused. ‘It's 6 am!’

‘You won’t believe it!’. I snapped, going and sitting down. He came and joined me, waiting for me to explain what was going on. ‘I was talking to Ella earlier, about something’.


‘Did you know she and Peyton have a sister?’ he seemed surprised, but shrugged.

‘No, but what's the issue?’

‘She’s disappeared. She went away and just.. Vanished. Never came home’. While I could see this was clearly news to him, he didn’t seem all that worried.

‘Well, that sucks but-’.

‘It was us’. I told him
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