
Return One Last Time

             The speed of how fast everyone occurred made Sapphire’s head spin. She wasn’t sure what was happening or who these two men were. If anyone asked her, she couldn’t tell you who started that fight. But it terrified her to see Cliff lying in the pool of his own blood. Ivory kneeling beside him, threatening Sapphire with a fate far worse than death.

             Her mind swam with that, the paycheck she still didn’t have, and the mess she’d need to clean up. Why didn’t Hank come out and stop this? Sapphire was sure that Ivory would spin this to be her fault completely. This was far worse than she thought because she found a motorcycle helmet slapped on her head, and they bundled her onto the back of a motorcycle. Then the engines of the two motorcycles revved to life, and they were out of there before Hank could even leave the front door of the Black Hole Café and Diner to give chase.

             Sapphire’s voice called out for help, and the wind quickly swallowed up her word. They rode for several minutes before they got to a dirt road and took it until it hid them from the main highway. The two bikes stopped and the man before her took his helmet off after he cut the engine and turned to her.

             Those penetrating eyes were on her again and she struggled not to look at him. Then he spoke in a growly voice that betrayed his anger. His wolf was so close to the surface, Sapphire could almost smell his fur because she was so close to him. She shivered in a cross of fear and excitement. She didn’t know who they were or what they planned to do with her.

             “You’re safe now. You won’t need to worry about them anymore. My name’s Magnus McDonnell and I’m the Alpha of the Twilight Wolf Pack or the Twilight Wolves, for short. We masquerade as a motorcycle club. We own the old Johannsen territory now. You’ll be safe there. That’s Hayden Greggs, my Beta. He’ll take you into our territory.”

             “Wait! No, goddess, this is all messed up. I don’t have my things. You left a mess at the Black Hole. I will need to clean up. What about Cliff? Is he going to die? If he dies, I might as well kill myself because I’m the one that will take the blame. Hank still has my last paycheck. All I need is my stuff and my last paycheck, then I will be out of your hair, and I won’t be any more trouble.” Sapphire couldn’t believe what she heard from him. But there was no way now that she could stay in the area. But she needed her things. From her room and from her locker. She needed that paycheck, too.      

“If we’re careful, you and Hayden can sneak in, and you can pack a bag. As for your paycheck, well... That’s no longer important. Really, none of it is. You’ll start over with us.”

             “I can’t stay here that close to my pack’s territory; they will hunt me down until one of them kills me.”

             “I’d like to see them try. They may think they are something tough and scary here. They may run everyone off. But they’ve never met a pack like mine. We’ve got people and skills they’ve never encountered before. You’ll be safe, and they’ll be suffering every time they step out of line.” Hayden snorted in agreement with Magnus. Both men sneered, but she wasn’t sure if it was with disgust, disdain, amusement, or a combination of all those emotions.

             “You don’t understand...” Sapphire didn’t get any further before Magnus interrupted her. His hand came up suddenly to hold her jaw, though she flinched at the speed. He kept her state of confusion off-kilter with his aggressive action, even though his touch was gentle.

             “Yes, I understand. What happened back there was something so twisted that I can’t tell you how wrong it was. That’s not how you treat a packmate. Never no one. Even the most criminal of our element. You just don’t. Now, try hard to understand this. It’s over and you don’t need any of your things except the precious things that you hold dear. We can replace anything else with better things. As for that alpha wannabe, I don’t care whether he lives or dies. That’s his problem, not mine, not Hayden’s, and not yours. He attacked you, and those wolves back there would rather back a strange wolf than one of their own. They don’t deserve your loyalty.”

             “I’m sorry. My alpha is also my uncle. I owe him for so much. He took me in when I didn’t have anywhere else to go.”

             Magnus growled in frustration. “Gods. They really did a number on you. But no more. Taking you in doesn’t give them the right to make your life miserable and no reason to blame you for something you had nothing to do with. If it pleases you. Hayden will protect you while you go in and get a few things. Just enough that we can travel on a bike right now. Then we leave for my territory.”

             “You can drop me off at the bus station. I don’t need to be a burden.”

Magnus snapped at her this time. “There will be no bus station and you aren’t going anywhere. You’re a Twilight Wolf now.” Sapphire jumped in her seat on the motorcycle. Shivering, she nodded and kept her eyes averted from him. “Look at me.”

             She struggled to raise her eyes. He made himself accept it when her eyes levelled with his square jaw. “You’ll never need to run or hide anymore. Your days of cowering are over, and you can look your pack in the eye. Now, who is your pack?” Magnus still held her chin in his hand. It slid back and his fingers laced into her hair at the back of her neck.

             “The Twilight Wolves.”

             “That’s my girl.” Magnus smiled at her, revealing his fangs.

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