
The Time Approaches

Magnus couldn’t sleep. His mind kept playing over the plan, looking for any weaknesses. He knew he wasn’t underestimating Kilburn. Sapphire’s uncle was not in the here and now.

Everything reported to Magnus pointed to some kind of poisoning. His mate must do something witchy to him.

Witches weren’t normally the bad guy in Magnus’ mind, but every report he got about Kilburn’s mate pointed to a nasty creature with the knowledge of herbs and magic at her disposal. She didn’t have a problem using either to get what she wanted. For that reason, she wasn’t well liked by her own community. He figured that was another reason she was trying to get her hands on Sapphire’s abilities.

Magnus wanted this over. He wanted his mate beside him, in every way. Sapphire deserved better than this half existence. She should need to feel like she must hide her wolf, and she should have access to the Moon Goddess. He didn’t care if she shared her experience. Magnus wanted his mate whole and happy.

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