










The dull beep of my alarm pulls me from a dream that has become my constant companion for the last few months. A dull ache is already sitting behind my eyes, while an eerie feeling is starting to burrow in my stomach. I shouldn’t be feeling like this today, should I? Of all days to feel like this, it should NOT be today, my eighteenth birthday. Right? 

But the longer I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, the heavier and harder it becomes to pull myself from its safety. Too afraid to discover the truth of my destiny with Dillon.

 Unlike the other guys in our pack who only view me as the Alpha’s little sister or a good way to get noticed, he never viewed me in that way. He always saw me for more than who my brother and family are. He sees me for me. 

He is perfect and wonderful; I know that the Goddess paired us. How could she not?

We have been dating since we turned fifteen, but I had a crush on him since he moved from another pack six years. With his perfect jawline, dark hair, and honey-brown eyes, I thought he was a God come to life. Hell, I still think it. Dillon can make me laugh at the drop of the hat, he knows what movies I watch when I am sad, and the flavors I get from the ice cream shop in town. 

He has been there for every important event, and I cannot imagine not having him there for the rest. Other than Hazel, my best friend, I have no one to talk to outside my family. Other girls only want me for my brothers, Malik and Tyrone, the future Alpha and the spare. Most women don't care which one pays attention to them as long as they can snag someone in the Alpha bloodline. It's pathetic. 

Hazel was the only girl not interested in either of them, and being the Beta's younger sister; she was automatically off limits. Thank the goddess, none of them saw her as anything more than a younger sister. I don't think I could handle it. Not that I don't love all of them, but I love them as separate entities. Plus, I would NEVER go for Hakeem...the entire idea makes me queasy. It would be like dating Malik or Tyrone...just no. 

The Goddess would not be so cruel to make Dillon and I compatible in every way, to fall deeply in love, only to rip us apart and mate us to other people, would she? No, it's just not possible for the Goddess to be that cruel. I wouldn't believe it. 

Still staring at the ceiling, arguing with myself, and refusing to leave this bed, I feel the mattress dip slightly as this large black mass of fur greets me good morning. "Good morning, Sushi," I whisper as I scratch behind his ears, "Where is Wasabi?" As I ask about his sister, the mattress dips again as she joins our little cuddle puddle. 

Turning to look at the siamese kitten with her electric blue eyes, I scratch underneath her chin, trying to calm myself enough to leave the bed. Whenever I think I have enough strength to leave the safety, I am immediately dragged back into overwhelming anxiety about my future. 

An impatient knock on my bedroom door causes me to jump, quickly turning into a bang as Hazel's excited voice comes through the door. "Nora, please tell me you're up; it's our birthday!" She is practically squealing at this point with excitement. 

Her overexcitement causes a groan to escape, flinging myself backward as I throw the blanket over my head, her jubilance making me feel guiltier by the second. "I swear to the Goddess Nora!" Hazel shouts again, "get out of bed! It's an important day! Don't make me bust this door down." She threatens, and I know she'll do it or get one of my brothers to do it. 

With a huff, I push my large purple duvet away from my face and conquer the difficult task of pushing myself out of my bed, my footsteps heavy as I make the way to the door. Swinging it open with an annoyed look, I find her in a cute sundress that is particularly low cut with her boobs pushed up as high as they can be. Her makeup and hair were tamed to perfection. 

"Seriously?" She asks as she shoves past me into the room, avoiding the bed where Sushi and Wasabi are lying happily, to sit in my desk chair. "Nora, why haven't you showered yet?" she demands to know as she scolds me, her tone and face serious, looking like a mother scolding her child. "I thought you would be dying to find out if Dillon is actually your mate." But as the words leave her mouth a look passes over her face I had never noticed before. It's small and barely noticeable but still enough to make me question what it means. 

"Come on, Nora," Hazel pleads, "Aren't you and Viola excited to see if Dillon is your mate." At the mention of her name Viola steps forward to making herself for the first time muttering a simple "no," before returning back to the corners of my mind to hide like she had all morning. Guess I am not the only one feeling crappy about today. 

"I don't know," I sigh, finally admitting the truth that everything in me is screaming to run as far away as I can from this place, "have you ever had a gut feeling like something terrible is about to happen?" I ask, dying to know if I was alone with this hesitation I have to deal with the rest of today. 

"Nora," she says, her voice steady and comforting as she tries to understand why I am so nervous, "you'll feel bed once you've had a shower, I promise." She says getting up from the chair, wrapping me in a supportive hug, but before pushing me lightly towards the bathroom door. "Now hurry up," she orders like a general leading her troops to war, "we have breakfast plans in an hour!" 


Exactly forty five minutes later we are piling into her Toyota 4-Runner which is perfect for combating the winter weather we experience here in the Northern Lakes pack, which is located right next to Lake Erie, on the border of Ohio and Pennsylvannia  with my dressed in a long sundress and strappy sandals, with a large sunhat to cover my eyes as we enjoy the last of this nice summer weather before things change to falls and freezing winters. 

Opening the sunroof and feeling the warmth on my skin as it seeps into my bones is doing the trick of relaxing my nerves as we wind through the pack grounds to go to our favorite little diner in Geneva, right outside the pack territory. "Thanks for making me get ready," I say to Hazel as I lean my face into the sun and letting my arm hang out the window, the air running through my fingers. "Happy birthday!" I singsong as I look at her my mood starting to lift and the nausea plaguing me earlier finally subsiding. 

"Sorry for being a gloomy guss earlier," I say with an apologetic look, "I don't know why I am so nervous."

"I don't know why you're so nervous," Hazel sighs in agitation, as she rolls past the territory's gates "he's been yours since he moved here, I don't think you have anything to worry about." She snides, her tone clipped as she pulls into the diner parking lot pressing on the break a little to hard. 

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask, unsure where her hostile attitude is coming from all of a sudden. "I am sorry if I made this morning a little bit difficult..." I start pondering as my voice trails off. 

"Just stop Nora," she whips her head around to look at me, a fire burning behind her eyes, "you're throwing a fit like a child when the Goddess is about to hand you the most perfect man on a platter! Get over yourself!" She chides as she shrugs off her seat belt before before shuffling out the door in a huff slamming it behind her with ab unnecessary ferocity causing me to flinch. 

Following behind her, completely bewildered by her outbursts "What did I do?" I ask, confused why she is acting like this as I follow behind her into the restaurant to our normal table at the back, "Am I not allowed to be nervous? What if he isn't my mate, Hazel? Did you ever think of that?" I demand. 

A snort escapes her lips, as she rolls her eyes, as if It told her the lamest joke in the world. "Yeah, right." she mutters sarcastically, "it'd be a cold day in hell before perfect Nora doesn't get the guy." 

"What the hell is your problem?" I snap back at her, my anger steadily rising as she rolls her eyes once more as we both plop into the booth. 

"You!" She retorts, "Your're my problem Nora! You get everything, and here you are complaining when you know that the Goddess has paired you with--" But she stops midsentence as the dinner door opens behind me, the bell hanging on the door giving away the newcomer. Hazels grey eyes are wide as her nose sniffs the air wildly looking at someone standing behind me. 

Looking behind me, I see Dillon enter with his younger brother Alex behind him. Dillon's eyes are wider than saucers and his nose sniffing frantically as he searches for the scent his attention finally focusing on me with a wild look upon his face that has Viola whimpering frantically. 

A warm smile covers my face, until I realize he isn't looking at me but rather the person sitting behind me, whipping around I see Hazel staring at him with that same moon eyed look as they zero in on eachother as if in some sort of magnetic trance. I know what's about to happen, what words are about to come out of their mouths but like a car wreck I can't force myself to look away. I need to see it happen. I need to hear them say the words so that I can confirm it's real and not some cruel twist of my imagination. 

Once they're less than a feet apart the one word I had been dreading they would say, passes their lips, "mate," while they stand their gaping at each other with obvious lust and desire written on their faces. Had that attraction always been there and I was too stupid to see it? 

They stood there staring at each other, never saying a word while I stood their like an idiot watching my best friend and boyfriend basically eye fuck each other in a diner full of people. Feeling as if the room is closing around me, suffocating me slowly I stumble over the booth trying to run away from the room. 

My clumsiness finally pulling them from their trance as they both call out to me begging me to stay so we can discuss this, but I pay them no mind, as I push my way out the dinner door ignoring the pitiful stares for the other wolves from our pack. Knowing the way gossip spreads all of Nothern Lakes will know about my humiliation within the hour. 

Continuing to ignore Hazel and Dillons cries as they try to get me to come back to the diner and talk about this like adults I take off into the forest behind the dinner. Running as far from the eyes of prying humans, not caring that my lungs are burning in anguish as hot tears of humiliation and heartbreak stain my face. 

After five minutes of aimless running I pray I am far enough away shifting into Viola, letting my large white paws pound into the earth as I pick up speed pulling me further away from the dinner where I found out my boyfriend is mated to my best friend. My utter despair allowing for a mournful howl to escape past my lips as I continue running further into the forest and away from my hurt. 

Comments (13)
goodnovel comment avatar
Will this continue the current characters or a whole new set? I bet Hazel was in love with Dillion the whole time and was jealous of Nora.
goodnovel comment avatar
Where can we find the story board? I’d like more descriptive narrative around how they look.
goodnovel comment avatar
Melissa Rafael
It doesn’t end.. this was just a sneak peek… it’s ok ;) relax

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