

"Now all you need to do is to spread these pretty legs of yours apart, Layla" He instructed, his deep metallic voice echoing round.

"Good girl…" he breathed out. He sucked in such a long deep breath that she felt the sharp flow of air against her lower lips. Oh lord.

When he moved his hand towards her, Layla shut her eyes and looked away in embarrassment.

"Spread your legs more." Came his commanding voice, causing her eyes to fly wide open before she looked down at him. Though the instruction was something that she could not quite accept mentally, his gaze was so intense that she just automatically obeyed, as if she was being compelled by something in his icy blue eyes.

When she spread her legs a little more, Layla did her best not to look away as he began touching her. His long, agile fingers easily spreading apart her lower lips almost ripped a moan from her mouth. The pleasure of his touch alone could be enough to send her mind reeling, erasing every thought, and once again renderi
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