

"Thanks for today Regan.." Layla appreciated as they walked towards Regan's car. "You've really made my day" she added.

"Anytime shortie.." he grinned.

"I have to get going now…" she announced as it was already 6 pm.

"Yeah, it's getting late. Come on I'll drop you off.." he offered, but Layla quickly waved him off.

There was no way she would allow Regan to drop her off, especially in front of Nolan's apartment.

Nolan was equivalent to a madman and would give her an earful if he saw them together. He had literally done that before.

"No thanks, I'll take it from here.."

"I insist. Besides I should know where you live now" he reasoned but Layla shook her head.

"It's okay Regan. I'm fine.." she said in an assuring tone.

"I have to go now. Take care.." she waved walking away quickly with her stuffed animal in her hand.


"Oh shit!" Layla cursed gritting her teeth. She was always unfortunate even time it came to her getting a taxi. She'd been standing here for thirty minutes now but yet n
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