

Nolan's knuckles were turning white as he gripped the steering wheel, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. The speedometer was creeping higher and higher, and Layla could feel the car straining beneath them. She wanted to tell him to slow down, but she was too afraid to speak. The sound of the engine was deafening, and the world outside the car seemed to blur by in a dizzying rush. Layla closed her eyes, trying to block out the fear that was threatening to overwhelm her.

"Please stop this, Nolan.." she managed to say. He was a Lycan, she was human, and if they were to get into an accident, she would lose her life.

"Not another word from you Layla, I've warned you to start away from other men, but you wouldn't just listen would you?" He scoffed. The fact that she agreed to take the punishment for Regan, angered him the most. He would teach her never to dare him again.

Layla's heart sank as she realized that Nolan was truly angry. She'd never seen him like this before, and it scared her. S
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goodnovel comment avatar
Estel Banda
what was the motive of Xander taking pregnant Layla to the club? he knows his boss is jealous beast.
goodnovel comment avatar
Khadi Mansaray
Why is he so mean to her?

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