


“Oh my God.” I whisper, my mouth dropping open in shock.

I spin in Damon’s direction and grab his arm.

“Damon, you have to get him out of there. Please, get him out of there. Please.”

When Damon continues to stand stock still while staring into the cage with far away eyes, I know I’m on my own. I need to get Mason out of that cage.

So I start screaming, hoping he’ll at least look up…hoping he’ll hear my voice.

“Mason! Mason, please get out of there! Mason, please…”

Just then, the announcer’s voice booms over the speakers, completely overshadowing mine.

“Introducing first, from Texas, New York city, weighing three hundred and sixty nine pounds, an experienced killing machine and our six time champion, Bobby Hughes!!”

The crowd goes crazy, their whistles and screams making my heart sink even further as the huge man in the cage with Mason showcases his impressive biceps and triceps.

Terror seizes my entire frame as I watch Mason take him in with an intense, focused gaze.

I don't want
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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Mira is a weak woman I don’t understand how Vanessa seems to be a stronger character than Mira.
goodnovel comment avatar
Go Masonnnn. Mira needs to be careful what she asks for. Actions have consequences. Can’t wait for the next update.
goodnovel comment avatar
Alyssa James
Oh wow….Mira asked for this. Great chapter can’t wait for the update.

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