
Five thousand pounds

Hera’s Pov

After what happened between Marco and I, I realized that we didn’t use protection, and the dimwit didn’t care about it. That’s probably how he got Jessica pregnant, he was an irresponsible lot.

I stopped by the pharmacy to get a post pill, it would be totally stupid to get pregnant for a dumb piece of shit like Marco.

Also, any child who doesn’t have Eggust as a father, has no business having me as a mother.

The lady at the counter eyed me when I showed her a teller of the drug I needed.

“You’re supposed to come with—“

“With the guy I fucked?” I cut in. “I had a one night stand with a stranger who happened to be blackmailing me and is possibly about to be a father, do I really need him to come with me to get a post pill?”

She stayed silent, took my card and handed me my receipt. I forced a smile at her, before making my way to Mia’s apartment.

I was certain I left a long lasting impression on her. It was her fault for trying to badger me like that.

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