
Pool Of Pleasure

No One Pov's


Aaron held her hand and led her back to the auditorium where the party was going on. The moment they reached there, the entire paparazzi surrounded Aaron. She was about to move away nervously but he held her hand and tightened his grip, indicating her not to go anywhere.

"Aaron" He turned her head and looked at her then blinked his eyes, telling her that he is there for her which was enough to remove all her nervousness.

"Sir... Miss Ivanna left without saying anything. What happened?"

"Did you reject her proposal?"

"Is there any problem between you two?"

"What is the answer to her proposal?"

"Do you love her?"


One after another people kept asking questions to Aaron, not giving him a chance to say anything while Aana understood the reason why Aaron was silent when Ivanna proposed to him after listening to their questions.

"They all just want to see drama... never care about another person's emotions," She thought and looked at Aaron to know what he was g

Thank you for reading:) I wrote the chapter yesterday in early morning as I had to go somewhere but I didn't feel satisfied with what I wrote that's why i had to erase everything and write it again. Since yesterday I was busy that's why i didn't get time to correct it. I'm sorry. I hope you like the part and yes in next chapter story will be back to present. In this chapter, I couldn't because it would have take time and then I would have missed today update as well. so ... . I hope you all like the chapter.

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