

No One Pov's


Aana unblock Alice after calming herself. Her eyes widened when she found Alice crying bitterly, standing under the shower water.

"Alice" She panicked seeing her crying like this.

"I'm sorry for hurting you," Alice muttered. Before Aana could have said something or ask anything, Alice gave her control and hid herself in her mind.

"Alice" she called Alice but she didn't respond. She scrunched her eyebrow because she could feel Alice's pain. It didn't take her long to understand Alice is hurt because of Aaron's rude behaviour but it was not all his fault. They both are at equal fault. Aana looks at herself in the mirror.

"It should be me who had the right to get angry" She frowned at her wolf and Aaron's behaviour. She sighed, looking at herself in the mirror. Her neck was covered with his hickey. She touched her neck and shook her head negatively.

"Maybe you played that action because of my wild thoughts... You don't have to feel guilty about it,'' Aana muttered to

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