


I woke up from what seemed like a very long sleep and it felt like I had been run over by a trailer.


My whole body was aching and I didn't know why. Did I sleep too much? Was that the reason?

And then where was I? Sleep? I thought I was eating in the restaurant with Lucas.

I noticed the sun bringing in light little by little, blocked a little bit by the blinds into my room. Blinds? Room?

That isn't right! The room I was assigned to had no window and was always damp all year round!

I could also feel the soft mattress under my butt but there was no bed as soft as this in my room if I could remember correctly. The bed I slept on had been worn out, it was as if I was practically sleeping on the floor.

At first, I thought I was probably in Lucas's room but when I looked at the design, it was none of the guys' room.

"Where was I? Did they give me a room?" I smiled a little.

Just then, I noticed a sign on the wall. Hotel

Hotel? Hotel?!!

What was I doing in a hotel? Wa
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