


I looked at the tray he had delivered. It’s a full meal. There’s fruits, there’s three different beverages, rice meal and some medicine.

He crossed his arms as he glared at me.

Suddenly memories from the past passed by my mind. But that past and this present is different. I picked up the spoon by myself. And I feed myself.

“Where am I?”

I asked him. I’m getting conscious while he’s just standing at the edge of the bed, crossing his arms while watching me. He didn't answer me so I just sneezed.

I scooped the soup and it immediately warmed my stomach as I ate it. I silently eat in there and he’s still there standing. I smiled lightly at him but that smile didn’t reach my eyes.

“You still don’t believe me? That test is not yet good enough for you? ” I asked solemnly.

I’m talking about the pregnancy test that I had a while ago. The doctor suggested it for the sake of his peace of mind. But he’s still here looking like I’m a puzzle piece that he’s trying to solve.

“I’m not pregnant.
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