
Chapter Forty Six



Only things did not go as planned for our deviant and murderous Peter. When he pulled up to the Warshouski’s apartment, he noticed a car outside. Their car. And when he helped Bryony climb the stairs, they were soon greeted by an agitated Eddie.

“What are you doing home?” Bryony asked happily. Peter echoed the sentiment in his head exactly.

He thought: “Oh no, this was going to be so lovely!”

He thought: “Can I take Eddie out, too?”

He thought: “Not a chance, that is one irate man. Okay, better go!”

He opened his mouth to hand Bryony off to her husband and beat a hasty retreat, but Eddie spoke before he ever had the chance.

“Bryony, it’s your father. They called me at the radio station. He had an attack of some kind, and he’s not doing well. You need to go home.”

Bryony reeled a bit, and Eddie and Peter both reached out to steady her. She steadied herself, however, as she had always done, and she straightened her back.

“All right, Eddie. Can we le
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