
7. Getting lost in those eyes.

After dragging her friend off another new student,  they hopped into the school bus.

"Oh, great," Leilani muttered after motioning to the occupied seats. "Where do we sit now?"

Adana scanned the seats before her eyes brushed over two empty seats at the extreme back row of the bus. "Hey, those look empty to me. Let's go."

"But—" Leilani wasn't given time to object before Adana started to pull her.

She later realized there was another occupant of the row of the seats. A boy who was taking more than his fair share of space occupied a seat with head angled downwards at the mobile in his hands.

Why did he seem so familiar? Adana shook her head to get rid of the thoughts. "Did you get the last part of the assignment?"

Arctic rims darkened when Leilani broke from her trance to give her a blank stare, "you didn't get the assignment?"

She didn't

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