
Chapter 39 : Siege Tactics


"He turned me down," Aurora reported, standing in front of my desk looking like a scolded dog.

"The playboy prince himself turned you down?" I scoffed. "If I hadn't seen exactly what you had to offer myself, I'd say you weren't trying hard enough."

It didn't make sense. I hadn't known Rowan to ever turn down a woman. And Aurora was one hell of a woman. She might be a few cows short of a herd in the brains department, but she was the sort of beautiful that men went to war for. I still couldn't believe she'd been interested in getting to know me after our initial meeting.

It was what drove me to make sure she stayed kicked down a peg. If she got too confident, she'd realize I was out of her league. Or maybe she wasn't. I would be king soon. I would go to war to conquer nations, stringing together an empire of islands. She should be honored to be offered the chance to rule at my side.

If I offered her that chance.

I was still considering letting her take the fall for a
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