

Sam bite her lower lip while kissing her.

Tiya felt pain as her senses were getting numb, she used all her force and pushed Sam away from her. 

"Sam I don't like you," Tiya shouted at him in anger.

"Oh really??? " Sam gave her a flirtatious look and hugged her tightly from her waist.

buzzzz*... buzzzz*.... buzzzz* Tiya's phone started ringing. she picked up the phone and saw it was her mom's call.

Tiya was in panic as Sam's grip was so tight that she can't move and at the same time she didn't want to tell about this situation to her mother.

Sam was well aware about her situation, he immediately clicked on the green button of her phone and then he pulled her towards the bed.

Tiya didn't said anything as her mom was on the phone, she tried to sound normal 

Mom: "Tiya my baby how are you?"

Tiya:"I am fine mom. you tell how are you doing and how is your health? Are you taking your medicine properly or not? "

These are normal daily discussion between Tiya and her mother but today Tiya's heart was beating at a high speed, it was too fast that it can come out of her body.

Sam was fully enjoying himself, he placed Tiya on his lap and continue with his stupid deeds. he was liking Tiya's neck and was busy in examining curves of her beautiful body when he heard Mrs. Akas few words. 

Sam was so shocked to hear those words, he then looked towards Tiya whose face was looking pale after hearing her mother's words

Both Tiya and Sam were shocked to hear that Tiya's mother has arranged a blind date for her. 

Sam was so angry that his eyes become red and veins of his head became visible.

he snatched her phone 📱 and threw it away at a distance.

then he pinched Tiya's chin with one hand in anger while his other hand was holding her hairs that were tied in a ponytail.

Tiya felt pain because of his ruthless actions but she was still looking straight at his eyes. both of them were staring at each other.

"You are mine and only mine. No one can take you away from me." There was an unseen anger in Sam's words. 

Tiya shivered slightly by hearing Sam's angry voice (Sam usually has a very cool aura but Tiya knows his true self, she knows that he can be as ruthless as a devil in case his desires are not fulfilled and now with his super powers no one has the ability to control him) but anyhow she regained her composure and with all her strength she replied,"Sam my mom is the only person in my life, I love her and I can't disobey her at any cost. Next week we are going on an educational trip to country S, and I am supposed to meet Adi there, My mom's wish is my command so I will do anything to make her happy. You better behave yourself and stop ruining our friendship. We are friends and nothing else." Tiya explained all the things clearly.

Sam was on the verge of explosion after hearing Tiya's words. he was so angry that he was not able to control himself. He pushed her on the bed. Tiya was wearing her favorite red blouse with blue jean. 

Tiya was blocked on the bed. she was trying to push him away from herself but all her efforts seems to be in vain as Sam's energy along with his anger is like a fire storm that can't be stopped

Tiya was blocked on the bed. she was trying to push him away from herself but all her efforts seems to be in vain, Sam bite her lips so hardly that there was a slight taste of blood on his tongue. Her beautiful red blouse was tore into pieces and her beautiful white jade like skin is now visible.

Sam's hands were busy in tearing her dress while he was using his tongue to taste her delicious skin. Sam was not in his senses to judge his actions, he was not able to control himself, the only thing going on in his mind is he doesn't want to lose her. He has never imagined a single day of his life without her so how can he let her go away from himself?  

With all these things in mind he was using all his force.

Tiya was trembling with fear, her tears mixed with her eye liner are ruining her beautiful face. Her beautiful white skin has now blue marks caused by his rigorous actions. She was trying her best to stop him, she was continuously pushing him but nothing is working.

Sam continued biting her red lips, her collar bone, her neck.

Tiya took a deep breath and said with a trembling voice,"Sam No!!! No!!!! "

Sam came back to his senses hearing her words. He looked up towards her and saw her teary face. His heart ached for what he has done now, he can't see her in pain, she is his best friend, the only person whom he loved. How can he do such a thing with her.?

His senses reacted and he got up then he picked her up and hugged her tightly,"I am sorry. I am really sorry Tiya but I can't lose you. "

Tiya was still crying.

He cleaned her face with his fingers then he took out an ointment and applied gently on her cheeks and collar bone which were now swollen after that he grabbed another blouse for her and passed it to her so that she can put it on. 

While Tiya was putting up her blouse, he turned around and closed his eyes.

Tiya was so angry on him that she wanted to kill him at that very moment but when she saw how he is behaving now, she was dumbfounded as she doesn't know how to react. 

.... ..... ..... ... ... ..... ... .....

After a beautiful round of love making, Ruby left Joe's place. After Joe's promise she was feeling more safe and secure.

As per their plan, after leaving from Joe's place, Ruby went straight way to library compound , being a quiet area, it is very easy to attack a person in that area. if the person who is following Ruby wants to harm her then it's the perfect place for him to show up. Now they have given the bait and it's time to reel the fish now.

Edd and Joe were sitting in the dark room, light from laptop screen is flickering on their faces. 

Soon after Ruby crossed a big tree, a black shadow appeared on the screen, the person covered himself in black blanket. It was not easy to recognize, half of the face is hidden under blanket and on eyes there were big black spectacles. 

"let me deal with this." Edd said while yawning 

"Wait don't act recklessly. Let me confirm first. if this person belong to that group then it's not that easy to deal with." Joe explained and then moved his pinky finger in the air. 

A big stone out of nowhere suddenly come in front of the person. The person tripped over and fell down, the blanket also dropped revealing the beautiful face of a middle aged women.

Joe's eyes frowned but he continued staring at laptop screen. 

Ruby was walking casually around the book shelves, she was checking different books from different shelves randomly. Suddenly her eyes got stuck on certain special book. The book looks like an old ancient manuscript with a metallic bronze cover. There was a lot of dust on the cover as if this books is not touched from decades.

Ruby picked up the book and at that very moment the whole book shelf tilted as if it is going to fell on her. 

The middle aged lady was quick enough to hold it on time. Because of her instant reaction her blanket that was covering her face dropped down. 

Ruby knows that she is the person who was following her from so many days, and now the way she helped her clearly shows that she is not an enemy. 

"Take care of yourself my child" she said in an overly protective voice and then turned around to move. 

but Ruby hold her hand and asked, "You have been following me from past so many days. Who are you? and what do you want? "

"Williana's heart skipped a beat when she heard that Ruby knows she was following her. She wanted to make an excuse and left the place, but her eyes betrayed her and a drop of tear fell from them. 

Ruby hold her from her shoulder and helped her sit on a bench then she fetched a glass of water for her. 

Williana looked towards her and said, "I.... I.... " sob sob 😭 she was not able to speak anything as she was continuously crying. 

After crying her heart out for a few long minutes, she finally said, "Ruby, my child I am your mother. I am the one who gave you birth, you are my flesh and blood. Due to some reasons I was not able to raise you up and because of family pressure I abandoned you but my heart doesn't allow me to leave you that's why I always visit you in your orphanage as a visitor but this month when I went there I found that you are selected for high school A, so to see you I came here. I am sorry my child I am really really sorry. "

Ruby felt awkward to hear all this but at the same time she felt happy that at least she has someone in the whole world who is her family and when she heard that her mother cared about her and she visit her in the orphanage also, she felt warmth inside her.

Ruby coaxed her mother and then after talking for who knows how many hours, they both left the place happily

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