


"Good morning, Miss Lorna!" Dad's worker waved his hand. I waved back.

It's morning again and I am here to pick up some breakfast. Gione left already and I can say that I woke up so late today.

I am not expecting to see Charles today here in the farm as it's already late, he come by here very early.

"good morning" I greeted back.

I am smiling until someone caught my eye.

He's standing there at the barricade of the plants. Is that Charles?

I waited for him to turn his gaze at me but he didn't. He's fixing something on his cart.

I walked towards him and it really is Charles.

Out of excitement, I ran towards him and jokingly I surprised him, he seemed shock.

"miss Lorna. You're here" he mouthed. Is he that shock?

I looked at his cart and it's wheel is already broken.

I held the handle of the cart and tried to push it if it will move.

It actually did moved but not smoothly.

"should I tell the other workers about this? they can fix this or replace it" I said but then he loo
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