


"But how can that be? Surely you know these things are guided by the Will of the Source, old friend. I fail to see how an Alpha could be tricked into marking an omega he didn't intend to claim."

Kane opens his mouth to speak, but cannot find the words. Addom holds up a hand to silence him.

“Be quiet, Kane. As I see it, there is no reason for unhappiness here. For too long you've been a loner, stalking the Farlands in search of Outsiders to kill, only returning to the core to recharge your soul in the presence of the Source. ”

"I had good cause, my boss."

This time, it's another Alpha who speaks. This one is standing behind Orchidid, his hand placed protectively on her shoulder. His appearance is frightening, even more so than Kane. His head is shorn to a scalp crisscrossed with countless scars, just like the rest of his body. His face is covered in a thick beard that quivers as he speaks.

“I used to feel like you too, Kane,” says the Alpha. “I loved Talia too. After she was kil
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