
Chapter 2646

Luna wanted to laugh, but she did not dare to when she saw how pitiful Gwen looked. She refrained from laughing and walked over to Gwen to hold her hand. "Then tell me—where did you go?"

"How would I know…" Gwen pursed her lips. "I only remembered having a weird dream. When I woke up, I'm already here."

She continued as she glared at Luna to voice out her dissatisfaction, "I was drinking with you, wasn't I? Why didn't you take care of me? Why did you let those people do whatever they want with me and say I went into the dumpster?"

Luna was amused. "So you're blaming me because you ran away by yourself?"

Gwen furrowed her brow and wanted to say something before she spotted Yannie standing behind Luna. Thus, she let go of Luna and stood up to strode at Yannie and looked at her with a serious face. "Yannie, I know you won't lie to me. Tell me what happened last night in detail."

Yannie did not expect Gwen to ask her this. She was caught off-guard for a moment before she lowered her h
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