


I walk to the sauna by the lake and I see Astrid waiting outside. From inside the sauna, I hear the light laughter of women and the low growl of men.

“All of them?”

“Yes, as instructed. Except the ones guarding our Alpha, of course. Karina tried but they didn’t even look at her. They were starved for some physical affection if you know what I mean. We got them eating right out of our palms,” Astrid smiles. “But Luna...”

I know what she is going to ask. I know because I have the same doubts in the back of my head. But only the thought that these animals hold Magnus like a rabid dog, that they dared attack me in numbers like cowards, the fact that filthy usurper is here to use my pack for his schemes, is enough to make me boil inside and all doubts go up in flames. This need to be done.

“Do it after the first dive,” I order.

Astrid nods and I retreat to the tree line. I asked the women of my pack to do this and I will be right there to see it through. I will not shy away.

I mind
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