
Feigning innocence

Audrey and Nero dash back to the carriages right after Prince Nike took his leave. Actually, he tried his best to persuade Audrey to come with him so that he can compensate her for the magical nucleus, he reckoned that the nucleus was rightfully hers since it was her spiritual beast who defeated the lava breathing boar at the first place.

It is just that he no longer have enough time to prepare for another hunt and he really wanted to gift his younger brother something that he put effort with, like hunting the beast on his own that is why he insisted to get that magical nucleus. However Audrey decline his invitation politely.

Soon, Audrey and her little black cat Nero was back at the banquet. Audrey of course was already wearing a fresh set of clothes and had also done cleaning herself.

Thanks to Sabel's wise maneuver of befriending some palace maids, they gain access to private room for her to change her clothes without

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