
Harvesting the Pyrosurrection Fruit

On the other hand, just like what they suspected, Niccoli got separated from the rest of the group while running. Since his eyes were shut tight at that time, he doesn't know that he was already taking a different route. Although eventually, he realized that his friend was no longer around, he did not dare stop running. It was only when he can no longer here the eerie soft laughing in the background did he stop running. He released his cat, Monami from his storage ring to keep him company. At times like this, he doesn't want to be left alone. It is better to have his cat accompany him, rather than having no one at all.

"Where am I????   Andrew??????.... Nike!!!!!"

He tried to call out for his friends' names. But as he expected, no one answered. It seems that he drifted too far away from them this time. He doesn't know where to go exactly but he was not willing to stay in one place either, so he started walking.

"Don't be afraid Luna... Ou

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