
Isle of De Los

By the time that hour hand of the clock hit twelve, Audrey's group was already done putting the last book back on its shelf. However, they did not look as thrilled as they thought they would be. They were able to find the answer that they were looking for. But at the same time, it was also not the kind of answer that they were hoping to get.

"I knew that completing this quest won't be an easy feat. But who would have thought that it would be this hard? Isle of De los? Seriously, of all places?"

Slumping back at one of the chairs, Nike ran his fingers up his messy hair. The others also wore the same conflicted expression and they all looked dejected if not tired.

After going through multiple records that has anything related to the encounter with Graes, the group finally realized that their chance for success was next to zero.

Entering and finding the lair of the Petrifying monster within the heart of the Land of Dawn, an inhabited sanctuary for all the rare and formidable beast, w
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