
They're nothing but child's play

Audrey shivered upon meeting the said harpies for the first time. She saw the face of a woman, attached to a human head, but all humanity ended there. Because the rest of its body resembles a huge blackbird.

"I just hope we would not end up as one of their dinner."

[ No worries, those bunch of idiots are nothing but a child's play  to me...]

Nero boasted as he puffs his furred chest. If he was in his panther form right now, maybe Audrey might feel the chivalry that her cat was trying to impose. But right now, Nero looks nothing but a cute little cat puffing his cute little fluffy chest.

"Errr.. aren't you going to transform first???"

Audrey reminded her cat nicely, but Nero did not heed her advice.

[Shhhh.. Trust me. We can manage. This form would do just fine]

It did not take long for the Harpies to arrived. At the same time, the warlocks in

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