

NOTE: This chapter is now written in 1st POV.


WHAT IS GOING on? My eyes squinted. My head then began to spin as I attempted to remember what had occurred. My vision became hazy at that point. I attempted to think again while stroking my temple. Different scenarios soon began to flash through my mind.

The war, Lucien, and Luther.

A sharp gasp escaped my mouth when the realization finally struck me. I was shot! An arrow hit me! With my trembling hands, I slowly touched my stomach. I then lifted my hands and I sobbed in fear when I realized that my hands are stained with my own blood.

I tried to rose from the floor. I don't even know where I am. I wander my eyes around the place and realized that I am with no one.

Still, I tried calling for help.

"Lucien? Where are you? H-Help... our baby..." I cried while clutching my stomach. "Help! Anyone? Please!" I begged once more.

I moved forward in the hope of getting help from this strange place. But I can't help but noticed that e
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