
Chapter Ninety Four

Allegra’s Pov

In the dim glow of moonlight, Xander and I engage in conversation, and with each word, I'm drawn more into his world. His strength and commanding presence are captivating, making me realize how much I'm drawn to him. We delve into the intricacies of the mating ceremony, a topic that doesn't exactly excite me, but I listen intently because it's him sharing it with me. As the night grows colder, I can't help but shiver, and instinctively, Xander wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer. It's a comforting gesture, and despite the mundane topic, I find myself enjoying the warmth of his proximity.

My eyelids grow heavy as the night progresses, and a yawn escapes me. I nod off, drifting into a peaceful slumber with Xander's voice fading into the background. Later, I awake to find myself being carried in Xander's arms, and the first thing I ask is if it's morning yet. His chuckle rumbles through me as he replies, “No, my love, you slept off, so I'm taking you to bed.”

I can't
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