
Chapter Sixty Six

Arnold’s Pov

Feeling Kylie's anxiety as we discuss the impending DNA test is like a weight on my shoulders. Her eyes reflect a blend of love and worry, and I recognize the concern etched across her face. “Arnold, I want to believe this test will bring us clarity, but your mother… She's always tried to tear us apart. What if she does something to manipulate the results?” Kylie asked, her voice tinged with anxiety.

Cupping Kylie's face gently, I attempt to offer reassurance. “Kylie, I won't let anyone come between us. We'll take precautions to ensure the test is fair and accurate,” I assure, hoping to alleviate her fears.

Kylie's gaze meets mine, a flicker of hope evident in her eyes. “I just want our family to be happy, Arnold. I don't want any more doubts or interference,” she confesses, laying her vulnerability bare.

I smile softly, my thumb stroking Kylie's cheek in a tender gesture. “I know, Kylie. We'll get through this, no matter what. Our love is stronger than any obstacle,” I d
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