

I wake up in a familiar room, but it's not in the house I was in last night. The familiar scent of Nan's house fills my nostrils and soothes me. A shuffling noise to my right causes me to turn my aching head. My father sits in the chair next to the bed I used to call my own when I stayed here with Tianna.

"How did I get here? Why am I here?" I croak. My throat hurts as if I had been screaming bloody fucking murder.

"You had an episode at your mother's house. Weston and Tianna brought you here. They didn't feel it was in your best interest to travel too far in the state you were in." My father runs the back of his rough hand over the side of my face. His feelings of sadness and guilty assult me.

"What episode? Why are you feeling so sad and guilty? Sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. My shields are either weak or down. They never stay in place these days. I feel so drained. Like all my power and energy is gone." I say trying to ease myself up in the bed so I can sit up against the head
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