
Episode Forty one

Next day in college Sam saw Alia in the library, she reading books so he went to sit next to her but he saw Roy also. Roy sat next to her and talking with her both are reading books and discuss. Sam upset about that left library.

Roy : Do you have free time at evening.

Alia : yeah I don't have works. I'm free.

Roy : then let's go shopping.

Alia : Shopping?

Roy : yeah tomorrow Sam's birthday. so I want your help to pick gift for him.

Alia : but he is your friend, I don't know what he likes.

Roy : I know that but if I go alone and shopping that's really bore, so come with me. please

Alia : haha okay.

then Roy and Alia went to shopping mall and searching gifts for Sam.

Alia : how about this ?

Roy : He already have that.

Alia : how about this then?

Roy : he doesn't like formal.

Alia : Then you choose yourself for him.

Roy : haha okay. how about this?

Alia : nice it's really nice if it is in black and blue. can I have one?

Roy : haha it's men's wear. why you want.

Alia : I know but it's nice suite and I want to give this to someone.

Roy : okay take that, let's go.

then they bought gifts for Sam and Roy dropped her in her hospital and left .

(in hospital)

Mehna : you bought something? what is that?

Alia : no nothing.

Mehna : she hiding something , tell me what's that? (teasing)

Alia : no nothing, where's your brother

Mehna : he is busy today, he always working.

Alia : then let's go. I already filled discharge form too.

Mehna : thanks for your help.

Alia : we are friends there is no need to say thanks, let's go.

Mehna : okay.

Then mehna discharged in hospital and completely recovered. Next day Sam birthday party in his house. Alia also invited by Roy. so She also went to join there and ofcourse Niti also joined party.

Sam : what are you doing here?

Roy : Hey chill Sam , I invited her.

Niti : hey Sam wish you happy birthday and this is for you.

Sam didn't care about what Niti talking to him , he just looking at Alia. she hiding behind something.

Sam : what you Hiding behind you?

Alia : that's...

Sam : give it to me. you bought that for me right? then why you hide.

then Alia gave him what she bought. Sam is surprised about that and happy inside.

Niti : Sam I also bought gift for you.

Sam just walk away Infront of her without say anything , he just avoided her. Then he went to his room and changed , he joined again party.

Roy is shocking after seeing him because he wore that suits what Alia bought with him in shopping mall. He is really upset but he didn't show anything outside. Alia is really happy and smiled at him.

Sam : thanks .

Viki : okay everyone let's cut the cake and start our party.

then everyone danced like couples in music. Niti went to Sam and asked him,

Niti : can we dance ?

Sam avoided her and he went to Alia.  Roy noticed about that then quickly went to Alia and asked her,

Roy : can we dance

Alia : sure.

then Alia and Roy danced Infront of Sam. Sam is really jealous about that and getting angry at Alia. He take the mic in the middle of music.

Sam : Everyone today is my birthday party. I hope you all enjoyed. I want to announce something tonight... that is Alia ....

everyone shocking what he going to say... Alia is shocking and looking at Sam.

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