
Chapter 7 _Bad Advice_

Chapter 7 "Bad Advice"

Kyoko and Toya stepped inside Sennin’s hut to find everyone already there. Kamui walked to Kyoko looking her over and asking her if she was all right. Kyoko smiled reassuringly. "Yep, not a scratch."

Kamui nodded, "Thanks to Kotaro." He put his arms around her neck, giving her an affectionate hug than smirked at Toya, who stood behind Kyoko, growling at Kamui for mentioning Kotaro's name.

Toya grabbed Kamui by the arm and pulled him away from Kyoko to pop him on the side of the head. "Thanks to me, the demon is dead, idiot." He crossed his arms over his chest and stood beside Kyoko… a little closer to her than normal.

Sennin gazed up at the group thinking to himself that there was something weird about the look on Toya’s face. The way he hovered over Kyoko as if guarding her from even the other guardians. He always had a sixth sense about these things. His old wrinkled face stared at the guardian trying to figure it out.

Toya noted Sennin was staring at him. "What is it old man?” He glared down at him then made a face when Sennin rolled his eyes and moved his gaze to Kyoko.

"Kyoko, I need to have a word with you, alone please. Will the rest of you wait outside ?" He looked at the others and they all nodded except Toya, who just stood there like he hadn’t been talking to him. Sennin pointed right at him. "You too, now go."

Toya’s eyebrow twitched. He really didn’t want to leave. He wanted to know what was so damn important. He felt like it was just him the old man had wanted out of the hut in the first place.

"Fine." Toya turned and slammed out of the door, passing the others and going to the nearest tree. Climbing up to a lowlying branch, he turned his head away from the hut in indifference. Fine, if they didn’t want him to hear then he wouldn’t. His fingers twitched in agitation.

Sennin patted the floor in front of him. "Please, come and join me. I need to ask you a couple of important questions." He peered at the young priestess deep in thought.

Kyoko came around to sit in front of Sennin. "What is it? You look worried." She knew whatever it was, it was important by the look on his face.

"Shinbe and Suki told me about what happen with the Tenshi and the kiss." He eyed Kyoko and noticed the blush that quickly crossed her face.

"I really wish they hadn’t done that." Kyoko looked down, trying to hide her face, wondering if they had told him about her coming on to everybody, including Suki for crying out loud. She looked around for something to crawl under.

"I'm glad they did bring it up because it raises a very important point that I would like to talk to you about." Sennin gazed solemnly at Kyoko. "I've noticed a change in you recently and I know the others have too."

Kyoko raised an eyebrow at him. "What kind of change, Sennin?” She wasn’t sure she wanted to hear this after all.

Sennin decided he was just going to have to be blunt about it. "In order for you to be safe from Hyakuhei and other demons with the power that you have, you need to pick a mate and you need to do it soon." He watched Kyoko’s face turn five shades of red before he continued. "You have come of age and it shows in everything you do… every move you make, even if you do not realize it. You attract the paranormal… especially your guardians.”

He could see her eyes widening as she listened to his words. “It’s for your own safety and the safety of those who fight with you. The way things are right now; you run the risk of being marked by a demon that just wants the power you wield. There are many demons out there that want your power and they will start coming out of the woodwork. That is, if Hyakuhei doesn’t try to get them to bring you to him first. You see my dear, you are special." His old eyes softened, knowing she had no idea how special she really was.

Kyoko frowned. "Why did my ancestor not have to find a mate then?"

Sennin had an answer for that. "She did… Tadamichi and Hyakuhei." When Kyoko’s lips parted, he held his hand up between them. “I’ll tell you what I know.” He lowered his voice and started telling her of the story of how the humans had first entered into the demon realm. After about ten minutes he fell silent, giving her time to process what he’d just told her.

Outside, Toya watched the others until he knew no one was paying him any attention. He slid from the tree and made his way around to the back of the hut. One way or another, he wanted to hear what the old man had to say to Kyoko that he didn’t want him to hear. He leaned against the old wood of the wall and slid to sit on the ground, quietly listening.

Kyoko pressed her lips together and looked down at her hands, trying to avoid Sennin’s gaze. "But I don’t know that I want to be anyone’s… mate."

Outside, Toya's lips parted and his eyes widened. "A mate? What the hell?"

Sennin patted the girl’s hand. "Well for now, just think about it and try to decide who you would want as a mate. I know there are people who care deeply about you… some of them are very strong and powerful from what I hear.”

Outside, Toya smirked thinking the old man had just paid him a complement.

Sennin grinned. “Yes, I have heard about Kyou’s affections. He’s a very, very powerful guardian lord. I think you might be just what he needs to bring him out of his self-made shell. He’s already crossing over, although he may not even realize it. He is a lot like Tadamichi in this way."

Kyoko nodded remembering how gentle Kyou had been with her… if not a little overly assertive with the kissing. "Okay… I’ll give it some thought," She whispered reluctantly.

Outside, Toya stood, balling his fist up at his sides silently ranting to himself, ‘Stupid old man. Why would he tell Kyoko to be with Kyou? That stupid bastard has never done anything for anyone, and besides… I would kill him first." Toya stopped pacing when he heard Sennin start talking again.

“And I already know about Kotaro. He’s the prince of the brothers and he seems to love you very much. He would also be strong and protect you from others because the more powerful your mate, the less chance you will be stolen from him.”

Kyoko closed her eyes feeling like she was going to be ill. What did he mean? Another could override the first? Wasn’t that what happened with Tadamichi and Hyakuhei?

Toya was biting his tongue. He could feel Kyoko's heart race at the mention of Kotaro and Kyou. That really was pissing him off! ‘Sennin and his dumb ideas.’

Kyoko sighed, "I’ll pay more attention to both of them the next time I see them." She felt that this conversation was getting out of hand, but out of respect for Sennin she would at least try.

Sennin smirked, knowing Toya was right outside and listening to every word. "And then of course there’s Toya… or someone from your own world maybe." He tried to catch the girl’s eyes to read her thoughts but at the moment, all he saw was fear and confusion from her.

He patted her hand again. "It’s alright, you have a little while to think about it and make a choice, but don’t wait too long or the choice may be made for you. You need to take seriously the guardians because they all have a natural attraction towards you and not avoid them so that you may make the right choice. And one more thing while you are deciding… be careful that none marks you."

"Marks me? What exactly does that mean?” Kyoko asked wondering if his version would be the same as Kamui's.

"That means that they bite you on the neck and it leaves a scar to show you are their mate.” Sennin nodded as if stating a fact she should have already known. “It also places their sent within your blood.”

Outside, Toya’s eyebrow was twitching something fierce and he’d stopped all movement. So Sennin gave a long speech for Kyou and Kotaro but barely breezed by his name as if it would be a bad choice. And saying for her to maybe find someone in her own world. "Damn you, old man."

Back inside the hut… "You need not tell anyone about what we have talked about for it is only your choice. Make sure you choose someone who will love you and take care of you Kyoko. Someone who you can trust whole-heartedly and someone who will help to keep you safe from the others who want to mark you.”

“Now enough said about that, the east is where new signs of Hyakuhei are appearing so this is the area you should search next.” Sennin stood and moved to the door hiding his smug smile. Secretly, he thought the best choice would be Toya but he would be damned if he would admit it while the boy was eavesdropping. "It is time for you to go. I will come say goodbye to the others."

Kyoko followed Sennin out of the hut, still lost in thought about all that he’d said to her. She shook her head to try to get her brain functioning again on hunting the talismans. She looked out at the others as Sennin repeated what he had told her about the demons in the east lands.

Toya walked up behind her still feeling beyond agitated. He leaned over her shoulder some so he could whisper in her ear and not disturb Sennin as he talked to the others. "So, we’re headed to the eastern lands. That’s Kyou’s land… but I guess you already know that. Right Kyoko?" He drew back a step from her when she turned to him with a frown on her face.

"Hmm, I hadn’t thought about that but yes, I guess it is kind of his territory,” Kyoko said more to herself then him.

“Yea right,” He growled under his breath. Toya wanted to snap the dazed look out of her expression. What was she thinking? Surely she wasn’t thinking about mating with Kyou? He itched to throw something at Sennin for putting that in her mind but for now, he guessed that was where they were heading. Toya glared at Sennin as the old man gave details.

***** Toya moved ahead of the others as they traveled into the eastern lands. Growling low in his throat, he narrowed his golden eyes and scowled. He could sense Kyou somewhere up ahead and he really didn’t want Kyoko to know he was near. He didn’t want to give her a chance to pay more attention to Kyou. Toya found himself mumbling curses under his breath. Why did Sennin have to put the thought in Kyoko's mind?

He stopped the group announcing, "It’ll be getting dark soon so let’s make camp here for the night. I’m gonna scout the area to make sure there are no demons lurking around." Without even a backward glance, he took off, headed in the direction of Kyou's scent.

"You have brought the priestess with you."

Toya slowed at the sound of the familiar, emotionless voice. Kyou’s calm form materialized on the trail in front of him. Toya slid to a stop, the fire dagger suddenly gripped within his clawed hand as silver leapt into his irises.

Kyou's took in his sibling with a sort of detached indifference as he watched Toya’s hand flinch on the hilt of his blade. A hint of a smile graced his perfect lips, knowing his brother was angry and held the blade more to keep himself from changing into his cursed form then to attack. He inhaled deeply. "She smells of sakura blossoms and jasmine."

Toya glared at his brother. "Stay away from her.” He could feel his mixed blood starting to boil and right now he didn’t care which one came out on top. Maybe his demon side would be the barrier strong enough to keep Kyou away from her.

In the blink of an eye, Toya was being held by his throat by none other than Kyou, who was growling in displeasure. "You are not strong enough to stop me from mating with her. Even if you mate with her first, it will not matter, for I will make her want me." He moved back to let go of Toya’s throat as if the altercation held no relevance.

Kyou's eyes were deadly but his voice was deceptively soft, "You haven’t even decided if you want her nor have you marked her… so I will."

Toya looked into the cold eyes of Kyou and knew he meant what he said and it sent his body into a rage. "Not if you’re not alive, dear brother." Toya leapt at his brother but Kyou simply side stepped him and hit him on the back as he darted past, sending Toya to the ground.

Kyou's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Have you not learned yet? I am the strongest."

Toya quickly rolled back to his feet. "Kyoko is mine, not yours, or anyone else’s,” He shouted, irises darkening to a deep gold with shattering sparks of silver, his body full of frustrated anger as he swiftly gave another lunge at his brother, who just as swiftly deflected it.

Toya's already frayed temper was getting the best of him as his tainted blood slowly took over the whites of his eyes. He made another attempt at his brother but Kyou flipped over him, landing gracefully on his feet behind him.

Wrapping his arm around Toya's neck, Kyou held him firm.

“Brother, it is now time for you to stop fighting the inevitable. You are so confused that it has made you weak. At least when I mate with Kyoko, she will have someone who will be able to protect her, which is more than you can do. If you don’t stop these childish attempts, I may decide not to share her with you at all." Kyou’s tone was almost bored as he released Toya and vanished, leaving only a vibrating growl in his wake.

Toya stood there for a moment trying to get his demon blood under control as Kyou’s golden feathers rained down around him. This was not good. Kyou was stronger and they both knew it. Kyoko didn’t realize how much danger she was really in or that she was about to be mated to Kyou… whether she liked it or not.

***** Kyoko was handing out some more goodies from her backpack when Suki came and sat down beside her. Kyoko gave her a smile then caught a weird vibe when Shinbe sat down on the other side of her. Then Kamui sat down in front of her.

"Ooo-kay guys, what’s up?” Kyoko gave a nervous laugh. She suddenly felt a little trapped.

Suki and Shinbe made eye contact over Kyoko's shoulder as if sending signals without words. Then Suki smiled at Kyoko. "Well, we were just wondering what it was that Sennin wanted to talk to you about. Come on, it’s killing us not knowing.” Suki leaned against Kyoko batting her eyes at her, trying to make her laugh.

Not to be out done, Shinbe leaned against her other side. "Yes, please, do tell?” He then made the same face Suki was making while Kamui leaned in with his big eyes sparkling with stardust. "Pleeease?” He smiled, setting off two cute dimples.

Kyoko giggled. They were always doing strange things to make her laugh. She knew they did it just to make up for all the serious stuff they had to go through. She shrugged wondering why she’d ever kept it from them anyway. Who else could she tell if she didn’t tell them?

"Okay you guys. The thing is… Sennin told me I have to choose a mate and I have to do it soon. That’s all.” She stopped laughing when she realized that all three of them were looking at her with startled expressions.

Shinbe was the first to recover. Knocking Kamui out of his way, he slid down in front of her on one knee and took her hands in his. "Kyoko, will you marry me and have my child… ”

Before Shinbe could finish, Suki hit him on the head with the handle of her bayonet. He slumped to the ground at Kyoko's feet with Suki standing over him… glaring… with one eyebrow twitching.

Remembering what Kyoko had said, she forgot the idiot on the ground and sat back down beside her friend. "You have to pick a mate? But why?” Suki gave her a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.

Kyoko shrugged, trying to make out like it wasn’t that big of a deal. "Sennin said if I didn’t, then the choice would be made for me.” She glanced down at her hands, trying to keep Suki from seeing the worried look hidden in her eyes.

Suki gazed over at Kamui with an expression that told him not to ask any questions. Then she asked him to go to the spring and get some water for Kyoko and to take his time.

Kamui nodded, understanding that the girls needed to talk. He leaned forward and gave Kyoko a hug then quickly whispered in her ear, “Even I’m not sure which one of us loves you the most… maybe we all do.” He gave her a sad smile then took off into the surrounding forest.

Toya came to the edge of the clearing. Hearing the girls talking, he stilled behind the foliage where they wouldn’t see him. He noticed Shinbe lying on the ground apparently asleep but… Toya looked closer… Maybe the guardian wasn’t just asleep, if the size of the lump on his head was any indication. He smirked, glancing from Suki's weapon back to Shinbe's head. He then watched Kamui take off in the other direction.

His gaze drifted back to Kyoko, trying to judge her mood by her expression but she lowered her head and her hair fell forward.

Suki tilted her head a little, trying to see Kyoko's face. “Is there someone you love enough… to be your mate?” She asked in quiet disbelief. She felt bad for her best friend to have such a decision to make so quickly. Secretly, she knew Kyoko was in love with Toya, even if she tried to hide it. "Maybe Toya? Or is there someone else?"

Kyoko tensed at the mention of Toya's name. She looked up at Suki with tears filling her eyes. Trying to hold back her feelings she whispered, "Toya? No. To him, I am just the priestess he has to protect.” She gave a sad smile, feeling like she spoke the truth. “He needs me to help find the talisman. I would rather be with someone who would love me back, not just someone I love."

Toya’s blood stopped pumping in his veins and his eyes went unfocused for a moment. Did he just hear her say that she loved him? Yes, she said she loved him. “Not just someone I love.” The words rang in his ears.

Without even realizing what he was doing, Toya stepped forward into the clearing.

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