
Chapter 86

The boom of heavy artillery shook the earth while the rat-a-tat-tat of smaller arms filled the gaps between the larger explosions. Mother White stood with her arms folded, far back from the advancing line, hoping her troops would continue to press on now that night had fallen. While the Oklasaw militia had been highly successful with the sun up, picking off her Military Mothers right and left, slowing them tremendously, now that it was dark and they could no longer easily see their marks, the invaders were finally making progress.

It still wasn’t as fast as she would’ve liked though. By her calculations, the tracker was only about ten miles north of them right now. But they were only advancing about one mile per hour, which meant it would be daylight again before they made it far enough north to intercept the tracker, and that was assuming that the speed the object was traveling to the west didn’t pick up. She had no idea how Mist could

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