
Chapter 19.

I felt an eery chill in the air as I started walking home from the hospital. Even though the sun had been shining all day, it just felt cold, quiet and gloomy. I wrapped my arms around my chest and began quickening my pace as I walked, feeling slightly on edge now that I was out here alone and from Leo’s previous warnings.

I suddenly sniffed the air as I could smell a faint smell of fresh smoke wafting along the path. As I looked in the distance, I could see an orange glow covered in thick, black smoke. My heart lurched and I stomped quickly around the corner. Just as I passed the houses in view, there ahead, I could see my house and two others right next to it, burning on fire.

“NOOO!”. I shouted as my heart raced. I ran as fast as I could toward my house, only noticing a few bystanders yelling for help and shouting for anyone inside.

“MUUUM! MUUUM!”. I screamed at the top of my lungs as I got closer. “UNCLE! MUUUM!”. I screamed again as tears began to form in my eyes. I didn’t hesit
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