

Iris stirred in her sleep, she listened quietly, she thought she heard a tap on her room window. She heard it again. She sat upright. She reached inside her drawers and picked out a dagger. Dylan had given it to her. She stealthily walked towards the window, her hands were shaky. She slowly opened the windows. There was nobody outside.

She almost heaved a sigh of relief when someone grabbed her hand and covered her mouth with his hands. She tried to scream, she bit the hand and was about to scream out loud when she heard Dylan’s voice, “Calm down sister…”

“Dylan…”, her eyes teared up, “Dylan…Come on in”, she opened her room window and he jumped through. He pulled her into a long hug and when they detached from themselves.

She slapped him.

“Oww”, he held his cheek, “What was that for?”

“Our parents were worried sick about you Iv
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