
Chapter Forty Eight | Out of Mind


Her heart skips a beat, hammering against her ribcage in a painful rhythm that leaves her ears ringing. “No-“ she mutters, a whisper as the name repeats in her ears, rolling off his tongue like it had a million times before. No, no, no.


His voice sends shivers down her spine and his words fade into nothing but white noise, and it was then that Liviana realized she couldn’t hear anything. It was like her head was being held underwater, and she was drowning all over again.

Her head hurt and her heart felt like it was going to explode.

He couldn’t be here- no, this couldn’t be real. “There’s no way,” she breathes, falling back into the bar as the dizzy spell hits. Blinking through the tears, she forces the word- a name she never wanted to speak again. “Dom..?” She whispers like an accusation, the name spilling like poison from her painted lips. “I- I-“ she shakes her head, feeling as though the room was spinning as she asks, “No- no- no- how... how did you find me?”

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