
Chapter 4

When filming, Lindsay rarely reached out to the Harper family or Justin. However, Justin visited her every month, showing the same care as before and denying any relationship with Olivia.

Yet, his attention to Olivia during the variety show was like a thorn in Lindsay's heart.

After finishing the shoot and returning to the capital, she hired someone to investigate Justin and Olivia.

Shortly after her movie premiered, it became an instant hit, and she was nominated for Best Actress at a national film festival. The director believed she had a strong chance of winning.

But before she could attend the award ceremony, Lindsay and Olivia were kidnapped together. The Harper family and Justin found them the same day.

During negotiations, the kidnappers demanded they choose one to release and keep the other.

Justin, along with the Harper family, chose to release Olivia. Lindsay wasn't surprised by the Harper family's choice, but Justin's decision was a crushing blow, completely unexpected.

She was shocked that her childhood friend and boyfriend would abandon her for Olivia.

With only one thought in her mind, Lindsay vowed to sever ties with both the Harper family and Justin if she survived.

Unfortunately, just as she tried to escape, a suddenly crazed kidnapper shot her. As she fell, she heard the Harper family and Justin calling her name, but her heart had turned cold.

Having been given a second chance, she had already cut ties with the Harper family and naturally needed to say goodbye to Justin too.

Justin was shocked when Lindsay had brought up Olivia and made such remarks. He frowned and said, "Don't talk nonsense. I don't have any other secret lover."

Just as he was about to continue, Lindsay's voice interrupted him, “Justin, let's break up.”

Justin was stunned, doubting what he had heard, “What did you say?”

He couldn't imagine Lindsay suggesting a breakup.

Lindsay repeated, “I said, we are breaking up.”

Justin's expression changed slightly. “Take back what you said. I'll pretend I didn't hear it.”

Lindsay rolled her eyes at his commanding tone. “I’m not asking for your opinion, I’m informing you. We’re breaking up, and there’s nothing between us anymore.”

Justin, hearing her determined tone, asked in confusion, “Why?”

Lindsay didn't hold back, “Justin, if you like Olivia, then go after her.”

She sneered, "You, as my boyfriend, wanting me to give up my place for her, and secretly looking after her, makes me feel really disgusted."

If in her past life, Justin had told her from the beginning that he liked Olivia or had special feelings for her, she would have never stayed with him, no matter how much she cared for him. She would never have clung to him desperately.

But he didn’t, and instead, he betrayed her just before she died, so she truly felt disgusted.

“Don’t contact me anymore.”

With that, Lindsay hung up the phone and blocked and deleted all of Justin’s contact information.

Hearing the busy tone, Justin finally came to his senses. He never expected Lindsay to know about his secret interactions with Olivia.

Being dumped so suddenly, he found it hard to accept. He tried calling her back, but it was always busy. He realized he had been blocked.

He tried to video call Lindsay, only to find out she had deleted him from her contact.

Justin was in disbelief, feeling an unexpected emptiness inside. He then called Oliver to ask what was going on.

When he learned that Lindsay was breaking ties with the Harper family and had left because she wouldn't give her spot to Olivia, he was even more shocked.

Meanwhile, Lindsay was sorting through her belongings from the Harper family. She retrieved her identification documents from her bag.

After adopting her, Moses assisted in establishing her identity.

Subsequently, Moses discovered a deceased family and facilitated her registration under their name to prevent any future issues. As a result, her birth certificate did not include her parents' names.

Upon returning to the Harper family, they had not yet updated her registration or changed her surname in official records.

Lindsay's fingers brushed over her birth certificate, a look of relief crossing her face. She wondered if Moses had foreseen that although she had a family, there would be no true familial bond. Her family was more hurtful than helpful.

Since that was the case, in this new life, she would continue to be an orphan with no family listed on her birth certificate.

After organizing her things, Lindsay received a call from a friend in the industry, informing her that she had been blacklisted. The CEO of Harper Entertainment and the top agent had spread the word, instructing everyone not to sign her.

Lindsay was not surprised by her two rotten brothers’ actions. They were trying to force her to come back and apologize by blacklisting her. She found it absurd that her own family were so heartless toward her for the sake of an outsider.

Fortunately, she had long since given up any hope or expectations from them. Her feelings of familial love had been completely worn out in her past life, so this time, she didn't feel hurt or sad.

Lindsay first called the director to confirm her spot on the show, and he reassured her it was secure. Then she looked online to see how to register an artist studio.

Harper Entertainment was one of the top three entertainment companies in the country. With Edmund and Oliver blacklisting her, other companies and agents, out of respect for them, wouldn’t sign her without some benefit.

However, Lindsay had already planned for this.

If no one else would sign her, she would simply start her own studio.

Not only could she manage herself, but she could also sign and cultivate other artists. As the artists she signed became more popular, she could convert the admiration they received into longevity for herself.

She called a lawyer she knew for some advice.

Over the next week, Lindsay established and registered her artist studio. She hadn’t yet found a location or hired staff; she planned to do those things after finishing the variety show.

Then, Lindsay went to the show's production team to sign the contract.

After signing, as she stepped outside, she saw Oliver, Alex, and Olivia approaching. The three were chatting and laughing, but they paused when they saw her.

Olivia felt a sense of triumph upon seeing Lindsay. She smiled and greeted her, “Lindsay, are you here to sign the contract too?”

Lindsay immediately understood the underlying meaning of Olivia's greeting. She raised an eyebrow. “Are you all here to sign contracts?”

Olivia nodded. “Yes, I really like this show, so Oliver and the director arranged for Alex to bring me along, and the director agreed.”

Oliver looked at Lindsay with a superior attitude. “Even if you don't give up your spot, we have plenty of ways to fulfill Olivia’s wishes.”

Lindsay smirked. “So, you could secure the spot all along, but you insisted on pressuring me to give it up. Having a brother like you really changes my perspective of life.”

The five Harper brothers had impressive careers: Edmund was the CEO of an entertainment company, Oliver was a renowned agent, Raymond was a popular singer, Brandon was an emerging director, and Alex was a top young actor.

For Alex, a top-tier star, to personally asked to join a variety show, and although he wanted to bring Olivia along, the director would naturally oblige. This decision not only boosted the show's popularity but also allowed them to earn goodwill from the Harper brothers.

Previously, the Harper brothers didn’t take this approach because they wanted to assert their dominance over Lindsay and make her feel compelled to give up her spot to Olivia as compensation.

Of course, Olivia must have hinted and instigated this.

Despite Olivia having taken her identity, family, and life, the Harper family believed that since Lindsay had returned, she was rightfully the Harper family’s daughter, while Olivia was just the adopted one.

In their eyes, Olivia suffered a loss in status and deserved compensation.

Despite her return, even though many in the elite circle were aware of her presence, the Harper family never officially acknowledged her identity. Consequently, Olivia continued to be seen as their cherished little princess and an official member of the Harper family.

However, the Harper family still felt that Lindsay owed Olivia, a sentiment Lindsay found difficult to understand.

Seeing the two brothers' smiles fade into displeasure, Lindsay felt even more disgusted and said, “It’s a good thing I’ve cut ties with you. Otherwise, your behavior would have sickened me to death.”

Oliver was at a loss for words. “You—!”

Alex, with a darkened expression, said, “Lindsay, don’t go too far.”

This sister of his was becoming increasingly harsh and unbearable to listen to.

Lindsay glanced at him. “Who’s really going too far? I spent over a year thinking I was part of your family. Looking back, it truly disgusts me.”

Not wanting to deal with them any longer, she brushed past them and left.

She left behind two angry brothers and a secretly pleased Olivia.

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