
324 . Reunion

While they eat the pastries, they sees Elina and Zinnia walks towards them with smiles .

" Eli ...... Zin!!!" Winnie and Lilian also Olivia run towards the two. Three of them hug the two while they cry.

" It's been too long Eli ...." Lilian sobs as she hug tightly her best friend.

" Okay ...okay.... let's sit first. You all .. you had become a mother and still crying like little girls ."

Elina tease them . She had known Olivia already had a son and a daughter . Winnie had a son , Lilian had twin daughter and pregnant again and Lily had two sons .

" Well.. long time no see Eli .. zinnia ." Lily smiles to the two . She had feels something changes on these two young women.

" Sister Lily ... long time no see ." Elina smiles to her .

" Long time no see professor ." Zinnia reply as they all sit on the sofa .

" What had happened to you two ?" Lilian ask curiously .

" Well... I hope you will believe me ." Elina then tells them from them trap in a fog and appears in the ancient t
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