
Face to face with my worst nightmare

|Valeri’s POV|

“Water…water,” I mutter half asleep as the thirst sensation and oral dryness at the back of my throat become unbearable for me but no one is answering me.

“Vee…..please get me water,” I plead because my head is seriously pounding, so I just want to drink water and go back to sleep to see if sleeping a little bit more will help to relieve my headache.

“Here you go,” a male voice that is completely different from that of my bestie’s voice offers and the alarm in my head goes off as I swiftly flutter my eyes open to see who it is, forgetting the throbbing pain in my head.

“Ouch…” I wince in pain.

“You had a little too much to drink last night, so I asked the kitchen to prepare a hangover soup for you and it should be here in no time,” he informs and on hearing that, my eyes start to dart back and forth around the room to take in my environment.

Hold up…

Wait a minute…

“How did I leave the party venue yesterday night?”

“Most importantly, why am I in the Remington ma
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