
I have dreams

“We need to talk. ASAP.”

Those were the words that Dave left on Elena’s voicemail. He had called her after speaking with Susan. She hadn’t taken the call. She was likely asleep. But Dave left a message.

For the rest of the night, he could barely sleep. His thoughts wandered around. About what could be going on with Elena. He finally fell asleep at 4.00 am and by 7.00 am, he was up again.

He checked his phone.

She still hadn’t called back.

He called her again. She didn’t pick up.

Dave’s heart beat increased by 100%. He was in panic mode. He had to make sure she was alright. Had someone hurt her? Was she in danger because of what she knew?

Dave threw on a shirt and left the house. He headed over to Elena’s immediately.

He dialed the intercom and she picked up at the first ring.

“Elena. it’s dad.”

“Oh. Okay. Come right up.” Elena buzzed him in. She was already dressed for work and was almost heading out when he came. She quickly opened the

GUYSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! 50 CHAPTERS!!! Thanks for sticking with me. I appreciate it. Leave me a comment please. Tell me what you think so far.

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