
chapter 50



I sat in the dining with Constance seated at the other end and facing me. We were both devouring our breakfast quietly when Clinton walked into the dining room.

"Good morning, alpha Edwin, " he bowed in front of me.

I lifted my head from my breakfast to glare at him. What was so important was that he wanted to tell me that it couldn't wait until after breakfast. I waited eagerly to hear what he had to say to me.

"What do you want?" I demanded in a harsh tone.

"There is a letter for you from the red breeder pack," he said and handed a brown envelope to me.

I wouldn't take the letter, nor even try to open it during breakfast if it was from someone else. But since I heard red breeder pack, then it must be from River.

A smirk appeared on my face, as I took the letter from Clinton's hand. He was lucky that his coming to interrupt my breakfast was worth it.

I opened the letter and read it. I scoffed after reading and handed the letter back to Clinton. He read thro
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