
Chapter 0007

Standing in the living room, I faced my mother, or rather, the woman who had raised me. My heart was a fortress of ice, my words sharpened by the memo of betrayal.

Her brow furrowed in confusion. "What? Say it again," her hand ran through her hair and then down to her neck, a nervous habit I'd want to see from now on.

"I'm not marrying Zayn," I said, my voice cold. Hearing this, she sat her glass of water down, her hands shaking slightly.

Her face hardened with her eyes flashing with anger. "I feel under the weather."

A flicker of confusion crosses her face, a rare crack in her otherwise impenetrable facade. She blinked, taken aback by my sudden coldness. Her gaze shifted momentarily, and she noticed the maid stand silently by the doorway, a witness of our fractured exchange.

"Go get me some chicken. I'll boil it for dinner." She instructed the maid, her voice unnaturally steady. The maid nodded and quietly exited the room, leaving us in a sense of silence.

"Don't you hear me? Or do you just pretend not to hear the things I say?" A mixture of confusion and concern etched on her features.

"What?" She exclaimed.

I held her gaze for a moment longer, then turned away, my back to her. The sound of my footsteps echoed as I walked toward my room. I could feel her eyes on me, a mix of confusion and hurt. But I couldn't let that faze me. Not now.

As I reached my room and closed the door behind me, I allowed a small, bitter smile to play on my lips. They didn't know the truth yet, but they would when I started biting them like bees. All of them would pay for what they did. Being transferred back in time had given me a second chance, and I intended to use it to exact the revenge they all deserved. This time, they would all face the consequences.

Minutes passed, the room's stillness matching the cold resolve in my heart. I stepped out after I changed from the tattered wedding gown. I froze at the sight before me. Zayn stood in the hallway, talking to my mother. Not my real mother, I reminded myself. Their conversation halted as they noticed me.

"Nobody is listening to me, I see," I took some steps forward to stand in front of Zayn. "How many times do I need to tell you? Want me to say it here? The reason why I'm not marrying you?" I asked in a cool voice but my face was cold.

My mother's voice echoed through the house, her words cut through the tension like a sharp knife. "If you're in a fight, take care of it outside. I won't watch this in my own house."

The words stung, but before I could even respond, Zayn grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the door. I could feel the tension radiating from him, a mixture of anger and frustration. We stumbled out onto the porch, the door slamming shut behind us.

The cool evening air hit my face, and I yanked my hand away from his grasp.

He spun around, his face contorted with anger. "What's with you? You're misunderstanding something. I decided to marry you by my own free will."

"That's how badly you want to near Elena," I shot back, my voice rising. I took two steps, covering the space between us. "Be honest. You have no chance with Elena, so you chose me," anxiety grid him.

"I come from a rich family, so I can help you," I continued."I'm adopted, so you don't feel so inferior. Most of all, the fact that you could be close to Elena must have been the biggest factor," I smile disgracefully, mocking him. "Wow. Now that I say it out loud, you're trash, Zayn."

His anger flared, his eyes narrowing. "Emma, how can you say that to me?"

Just then, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw his mother's name flashing on the screen. "It's your mother, " I muttered.

I hesitated but answered. "Hello?"

"Hello, my new daughter! I just wanted to let you know I found the perfect dress for the wedding. I just didn't like the color, so I got a new one. It's a little more expensive but a special day calls for a special outfit, right?"

I glanced at Zayn, who was now looking at me with a mixture of dread and pleading in his eyes. He mouthed, "Please, don't as anything."

"Why is she quiet?" I hang up, switching off my phone, feeling the weight of the conversation settle heavily on my shoulders.

That's what they are good at. All they know is to collect money from me.

"Did you just hang up on my mother? He snapped, his anger reigniting.

"You told me not to say anything. Go tell her that the wedding's off," I echoed, incredulous.

I turned back toward the house, ready to escape this unbearable situation. But before I could reach the door, I heard a thud behind me. I turned to see Zayn on his knees, his face a mixture of desperation and sorrow.

"Hey, Emma! You… you know my situation. My father lost all his money in the stock market before he passed away," his voice breaking as he speaks. "All my mother has is debt. After a few, she got scammed. I can't tell my family. This marriage is the only thing they're counting on. Emma, I'll be good to you."

My heart ached as I looked at him, kneeling there, vulnerable and pleading. The intensity of the past few minutes, the weight of his words, and the confusion swirling in my mind made it hard to think clearly.

"I'll make up for hurting you. So…" I cut into the conversation.

"How?" I said softly, my voice trembling.

"Huh?" A bit of confusion ran through him, looking for words to say.

"How are you going to make up for it?" I asked again, this time my voice was cold.

"I'll… I'll do all the chores," he looked at me. "I'll take the trash. I'll do the cooking and laundry. I'll come home right after work. I won't go out with colleagues if you don't want me to. And… please… Emma, you… you like me."

I felt a lump in my throat from the beginning of his words, but he spoiled everything at the end.

I shook my head. "No," I started softly, my voice trembling. "That wasn't liking someone."


As I stood there, the memories of my past life came to me. The day my mother lied against me to protect herself and Elena's company, that I ran to him for help, not until I saw him and Elena having a conversation and he handed me a divorce letter, talking to me so coldly without even putting himself in my shoes. Trying so hard to impress your own parents and somehow smiling through all of it. You reminded me of myself. I felt bad for you like I felt about myself.

Now is the time I need to rent his own words for him. "I saw myself in you. Doing anything you can just to be loved. I felt bad for you," my words felt like a dagger to him. His eyes widened in surprise. I continued. "So… it was like useless self-pity? But I'm not like that anymore. I'm done being pathetic," I said, turning my back to him.

As I walked back inside, leaving him kneeling there, I felt a strange mix of relief and sorrow. It was over, and I knew it was the right choice, no matter how much it hurt seeing him like that but they haven't passed through what they made me pass through.

Approaching the front door, I could hear the sounds of conversation drifting through the slightly open door. My mother and Elena were talking, their voices low and conspirational. I hesitated, my hand on the doorknob, an uneasy feeling settling in my stomach.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I inched closer to the door, careful not to make a sound. Their words slowly became clearer, and my heart sank as I realized they were talking about me.

"She was dying to get married. Why is she being like that?" my mother said jokingly.

"Mum, just postpone her wedding."

"What?" she asked in disbelief.

"You know she was crazy about Zayn. If she's being like that, she must have a reason."

"You're way too nice," I could hear the sound of one of them moving to each other on the couch.

"And… maybe I can get married first?"

My mother's voice caught in "You like Amory that much?" I tiptoe through the door to hear them more.

"Mom, I've never really wanted anything. You and Dad always took care of everything for me. I want that guy to be mine," she smiled softly. "I want to marry him."

"I guess it's our family's first wedding. It should be you, Elena. Now she will step aside or we will crush her to the ground."

Their words stung, each one landing like a blow. I stood in the hallway, feeling a mix of anger, hurt, and a strange sense of liberation.

I left the hallway to my room. I paused as I leaned my back against the door. Since I'm here for revenge, they should all have it.

"Now that you mentioned it, Elena. I want him too."

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