
Chapter 40 I met her before Jeremy

"As long as I get to come along with you, it's fine with me." Izayah smiled at Esme who snorted in response.

"Do you not agree, Miss Esme, that it is important for your parents to be aware of this situation? They have the right to know about what just occurred to you, even though you want to stay back and take care of him even though it just happened to you." Esme was given advice by one of the police officers.

"Okay, I'll be calling them right now. Please excuse me." Esme gave the back of Izayah's hand a light pat before standing up to go call her parents on an officer's phone because the one she had during the fight had been destroyed.

"Hello? Mom?." Esme coughed lightly.

"Esme, you've got to be kidding me! Where have you been all this time? Your father and I have been searching in every conceivable location for you."

"I'm actually going to the police station right now to give them my statements because I came this close to being kidnapped. After explaining, Esme stopped speaking
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