
Chapter 85 Shao was adept at plotting

Madam Luo had her eyes wide open and stared at Mammy Tang surprisingly. Because in her memory, Mammy Tang seldom talked something bad about the masters, and she had never said something so determined and solid like now.

“Hong Jiang, what are you taking about? What do you mean ‘ruin Yi’s reputation’ and ‘Shao was adept at plotting’? How could you say such things?” Madam Luo tightened her eyebrows angrily and added, “I know that you had suffered this time, but it’s not appropriate to describe Shao like this. You see, Yi herself had already let it go.” Madam Luo’s words suggested that Mammy Tang was too petty.

But Mammy Tang shook her head firmly, “Madam, forgive me if I am being beyond my duty. But there’s something I must say. As for Third Miss, she’s too young to understand. So, we can’t count on her judgment on this.” Hearing this, He Danggui lowered her head in shame. Mammy Tang added, “Besides, I was not saying this for being angry about Fourth Miss. On

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