
Chapter 450 Ji Youran Came to Stir up Trouble

Qu Moying was taken aback when Ji Youran unexpectedly showed up at her doorstep!

However, as she looked at Ji Youran's radiant smile, Qu Moying quickly grasped the situation. This matter involved Liu Jingyu, and for Ji Youran, it presented an opportunity.

So, Ji Youran was here!

Ji Youran was as skillful as ever at capturing people's hearts, and she was essential in such circumstances. How could she be absent?

"Your Highness." Qu Moying approached and bowed, then paid her respects to the old lady seated above.

"Cousin Qu, please take a seat." Ji Youran said gently, smiling warmly as she looked at Qu Moying.

Qu Moying sat down on a nearby chair.

"Princess Ji heard about the incident at our mansion and came specially to check on you and inquire if you were alright!" The old lady spoke vaguely, hoping to defuse the situation at this point.

"Thank you for your concern." Qu Moyi

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