
47. Best suffering


(TW: Mention of drug and alcohol abuse. Not detailed.)




“Ok,” I said, turning around to look into his eyes.

Kian cocked a brow. “Ok?”

“Yeah. Well, we can share a bed or a couch and I can assure you, I’ll still feel nothing for you. So, I don’t have a problem,” I shrugged, trying to mollify the unbreathable scorching air between us. “It’s not like something is going to happen between us, anyway.”

All he did was take a small step closer to me, but it felt as if he had pulled me into his embrace. Our breath tangled together as if they didn’t even want the inch gap between us.

“What makes you so sure that nothing’s gonna happen… between us?”

It was his eyes I peered into, but didn’t even realize when I was lost in every little detail of his handsome face.

Holding his gaze, I replied.

“I won’t allow it,” I said simply. No smile had been as painful as the one that tore across my scorching face. “Like you said, the attraction or whatever the hell we feel for each ot

Thanks for reading, lovelies <3

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goodnovel comment avatar
This book is not getting the attention it deserves! Every chapter just pulls you in it’s amazing

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