

POV: Jenna

My pulse racing with a mix of anger and terror, the walls seemed to be closing in on me as I walked back and forth in my rooms. How would this be occurring? After all I had given, all the deliberate alliances and cautious navigation I had developed, my hold on power was erasing like grains of sand.

My agitated dream was broken by a knock on the door. "Enter," I said, malice tinging my voice.

Callum's devoted lieutenant Kavrin entered with a solemn countenance. "My Lady, I bring unpleasant news."

"Out with it, then," I insisted, my endurance running thin.

Kavrin cleared his throat, his gaze down. "It seems Darrel found the truth regarding Ivory's persecution. He has freely said he intends to pursue justice, even if it means opposing his own pack."

I was inundated in white hot anger. That moron, Darrel, was endangering what we had laboriously created. Did he not appreciate the need of our actions? Ivory was a threat, a cancer that had to be removed before it might contaminate
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